Ha! But if you read the rest of the post I basically say the same thing I just did.
I did give up on preferentially fretting notes though. Back then, as a newbie, I bent to the “conventional wisdom” that you should fret vs using open strings. Later I realized that was (frankly) dumb.
I wouldn’t go that far I still prefer fretted notes to open notes/strings most of the time.
What should guide you above all is to think about why you do what you do - whether it is for convenience (“easier to reach”), for tone, for sustain (yeah, well…) etc. As long as it is a deliberate choice you make based on a desired outcome, it’s all good.
Ha, I should elaborate - it’s not any specific preference here that was dumb, it was me simply going with the conventional “wisdom” instead of refining my own opinion that I later realized was dumb.