Tips for buying an older bass

Awesome! That’s a good feeling when it works out! Enjoy the new bass.


Can we see some pictures?



That iss Beautiful.!
looks like you got a great deal.:+1:t2:


I would actually disagree lol. I think you should buy out of feeling more than looks, but I bought a used Fender MIM jazz bass for cheap and I hated the feel at first. Now its my favorite bass and it feels great. It just took me like a week to get used to it.


Entirely possible. I know I’ve just bought some instruments on looks mainly in the past and then been disappointed afterwards. Would rather it just feels good from the start. I know I like the feel of a J-Bass for the most part though, so would buy a J-Bass on looks as I’d expect it to be the normal J-Bass feel.


@Schmeep, first of all, I’m seriously glad that it worked out for you, but I really have to go along with @JT on this point . . .

I wanted a Gibson SG bass for many years, and they didn’t have one in stock at the local GC, so I tried the Epiphone version on display. I immediately disliked it . . . but I talked myself into thinking that the “real” Gibson would be better, so I bought one on-line, because it was so aesthetically pleasing to me personally and I wanted it so badly :roll_eyes:

When it arrived, I really tried to like it at first, but I should have gone with my gut feeling in the GC store when I tested the Epiphone. As the weeks and months went by, I played it less and less, disliking it more and more, and now it just sits there next to my desk. :frowning: . . . . (It does look great, though! :wink: )

See my blog at Gibson SG vs Fender J-bass

Bottom line: if it feels great when you test it, and it feels right when you test it, and you like it right away, then you will probably enjoy it for a long time to come.

Cheers, Joe


I think if you are an experienced player, you probably will do way better picking something that feels right. But if your a beginner, most basses won’t feel right anyway, cause of lack of dexterity. So I think it all depends, although like I said, most of the time you should go for something that feels right. For my jazz bass, the reason why it felt weird was cause I was so used to playing modern feeling basses, and my jazz bass has a vintage feel to it (at least a lot more than the other basses I played)

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Sure. Also, if you play any instrument enough, it will probably eventually feel right. Because it becomes the normal instrument. Just whether you want to go through all that or not.

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Aww, Joe, bummed to hear that that Gibson is just sitting there now, I remember when you bought it - but that’s how it goes sometimes, glad at least it still looks great :slight_smile: Sometimes a nice looking bass can be motivation enough though to have around, even if you end up playing your other bass!


Not that I’m an expert or anything, but I am a huge mm fan. The issue with the sub basses for most was the eq. My bongo has a million different eq setups available, so what do I do? What a lot of others do, I leave them flat and adjust my amp. Problem solved.


Nice bass


It has a few issues I’ve been working through. The E string was way louder than the rest, but I evened out the action a little bit and lowered the pickup a touch on the E string side to fix that. Now I’m just worried about the low end not having the fullness that I was hoping for. I’m not great at describing sound/tone, but it is lacking something to my ear. I ordered some new strings for it, hoping the ones on it are just dead. We will see.

Hopefully I can get it setup to my tastes a bit better, because it really is a beautful instrument and cosmetically perfect. It has a great acoustic sound, a great feel, I just can’t dial in a tone through the eq or the amp that gets me really happy.

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I found a tip through a Google search saying you can email Steling and have them look up the SN. I tried it, and they they did reply quickly and let me know it was made in 2014. Doesn’t matter much, but figured I would share in case anyone ever needs this info.


I agree,
When I bought my first Ricky,
I hated it as well but I put some flat wounds on it had it set up adjusted my resting position and now I love it


Reading older threads, I’m curious how this turned out?


Got it straightened out nice after some new strings and a setup. It is a ton of fun to play, and my go to bass when I want to play metal or do some slapping, because the bass just wants to go hard. My problem is I don’t play much metal or do much slapping, so it doesn’t get used a ton. I usually keep it in drop D and pick it up for that rather than retuning another bass. I just got another used bass, a Yamaha TBRX604, and I have a feeling it will mean the SBMM gets picked up even less. I may try to sell the SBMM just to find it a good home where it will be used as much as it deserves to be. Not sure yet, we will have to see how it plays out having both, but I think pretty much anything the SBMM can do for me, the TBRX should be able to do better. Maybe I’ll just setup the SBMM for a great slap tone and use it for that. The problem of having too many basses is a good problem to have!

You picked a hell of a time to bump this old thread and ask about that bass lol! It might be at a critical juncture of its life right now.


Lol, it’s fun to hear it was fully revived by strings and setup before arriving at this juncture! Congratulations on your 604 find !!!


Yeah, I just keep going back to my 604 too. Pretty sure I am going to sell my Warwick.


Yeah, I just keep going back to my SBMM’s, pretty sure I am only gonna keep my SBMM’s and LTD B-4E, sell most of the others, keeping the Araya of course, and the Scecter 5 string, but gonna start thinning out. Who knows, if I get enough cash from it, a MM might be in the future :smile: