Titans Of Bass

Please, do. :upside_down_face:

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We need a bass cafe where you can just go in an play a bunch of new basses without the expectation that you’re supposed to buy one


Or a bass library - check them out for a few weeks!


Love the idea, struggling with the business plan though, lol.

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I just do that in normal music stores. I have ended up buying three basses at one and I kind of stand out a little so they are nice to me.

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Or you can go to Guitar

Kind of what Guitar Center does. Room with basses and no salesman.


yep, music practice is better than pharmo-drug pushers.

Didn’t realize this before - but the drug I was referencing got FDA approval in late August 2022, and they’re calling it “Auvelity”. Very different than MAOI and SSRI’s (doesn’t target serotonin at all). In case anyone want to discuss with their provider. Right now eskatamine and Auvelity are the only truly new treatments in decades.

A highlight from the clinical trials, “at Week 6, the percentage of subjects achieving remission was 46.5% and 16.2% in the Auvelity and bupropion groups, respectively.” That’s jaw-dropping! 3x more effective than the leading current drug.