To Oil or Not to Oil?


…damn. Ok. :smiley:


I was cleaning a rusted battery terminal with it, and it shorted through the wool, which caught on fire immediately, and due to the super-high surface area for the oxygen to do its thing, the whole wad of wool went up in less than a second. And then it was just watching the little flaming bits of metal burn through other things :slight_smile:


Question group….

I just nabbed a Squier Fretless with Ebonol fretboard. It was NOS hanging in a music store for a free years. The fretboard has marks from the dopey round wounds it comes with. What can I / should I use to remove or minimize these marks?

AH! I have that and didn’t think of it.


You’re obviously not a photographer :smiley:


lol nope

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Now you know I’m going to try that now

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If you’re talking about an oil finished body, have a look for info/videos on hand rubbed finishes. I’m not a huge fan of steel wool, I prefer scotch brite pads but 0000 steel wool is very common for wood finishing. Unless the finish is extremely grimy, I’d just use a a cloth. I don’t have an oil finished guitar so I have no specific experience with that but generally the oil will get less glossy over time.

A razor blade is good as a scraper too if you need to level out some wear.


mine went up way faster

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Now I’m definitely going to try it :joy:

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Don’t breathe the smoke - pretty sure it’s vaporized iron oxide. Also, the little red hot metal bits that fly off are serious hazards.

Seriously it’s nasty. But visually impressive, sure. Scared the shit out of me.

If you are interested, the finer the steel wool the faster it will burn. When I was 12 I went through many boxes of steel wool but no YouTube to show anyone else.

I also made Nitroglycerin and Dynamite as a hobby back then. I could really tell some stories!

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my friend’s dad was a welder, we used to make acetylene balloons off his tank and blow up mailboxes routinely. Sometimes I wonder how we are alive.

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That’s very dangerous and reckless like throwing 22 and 12 gauge shells on a fire :fire:!..…not that I’d do that………honest :joy:

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We were kids…we didn’t know the danger, so it didn’t exist.

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Definitely. It’s amazing how we actually gain a logical respect of what could happen and how much it’s going to hurt but loose so much of our sense of adventure and discovery in the long run. I think that’s why I’ve never wanted to really grow up :joy:
I mean what’s the worst that can happen? :scream:

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Dang! The closest I can say to that is I put some Clorox and water in a jar and threw a few calcium carbide chips in. When each bubble of acetylene surfaced, it made a bright flash.

“Sometimes I wonder how we are alive.”
Despite our best efforts, we still are here!

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