Tuning Question

I use a Boss Tu-2, and keep a Korg PitchCrow clip-on around for emergencies.


Yeah, I have something similar that I’ve been using for I don’t know how many years…


also for emergencies, I find it’s always a good idea to have a tuner app on the phone ! such a tuner won’t be the first choice obviously, but if you don’t have any other solution, it’s better than nothing. it has been useful a few times for me.


Hey @terb, @howard, and @JT, thanks for your replies! :slight_smile:

I spent some time digging around, and came to the conclusion that my Korg GA Custom serves all my needs and worked well (while it did). There’s a lot of tuner choices out there, and I am considering quality and reliability vs price, etc.

I guess what I was subconsciously asking was whether or not anyone thought that an in-line tuner should last longer than 10 months? :thinking:

But for $22, I think I could afford a new Korg every year . . . :slight_smile:

All best and thanks again, Joe


My TU-2 is, at minimum, 10 years old - as that is when they started making the TU-3.

So yeah, 10 months sounds rather bad :slight_smile:


yeah, that’s not normal. I have another Korg tuner for my pedalboard : a Korg Pitchblack that I bought just when they released the first version (prior to that, I had the little CA-30 on the pedalboard, activated by a A/B/Kill switch pedal). The Pitchblack is more than 10 years old and still works perfectly fine too.


I have a Korg TM-60 I just got. I used it to tune and it seems to work well, but can I plug into it and tune? It isnt a amplified input so how does that work? Or am I just supposed to use it as a tuner with its mic and that input is for something else?


RTFM :sweat_smile:


Helpful, it doesnt mention it in mine and thats why I asked.


Hi @paul.rezendes, I think you can either use the tuner alone using its internal mic, or connect a guitar directly to the input jack, or connect an external mic.
This is what the manual says:

Hope that helps. Cheers

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Hey Paul! You have two options with plug-in tuners:
1. Plug In (better) - just plug your cable into the tuner instead of your amp. You won’t hear the signal, but the tuner will, so just read the display to tune. Or, if your amp has a “tuner out,” you can run a separate cable from amp to tuner, then you’ll still be able to play through your amp.

2. Use the Mic - If you don’t wanna bother plugging in, just play your (amplified) bass with the tuner nearby, and it’ll use its onboard mic to tuner. Still decent accuracy, but more subject to being confounded by noisy children and cats. :cat:


I know it doesn’t belong here, sorry. But when I heard “cat” and “tuning” in the same context, I just couldn’t resist.

She has absolute/perfect pitch, lol:


That’s amazing!

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And so cute. That look :slightly_smiling_face: