Wearing Face Masks (or not) for Covid-19

Sorry to hear that @peterhuppertz :frowning_face:


Please don’t. I don’t think it was taking sides but rather your use of strong language you chose to express how serious this is to you.

By now I am sorry I even responded to the topic in the first place. It’s not directly political but the opininons are equally strong as some political opinions and it gets blood boiling fast on both sides. I should have just ignored the topic and focus on just how the panda mask looks. I should have seen this coming but I did not think about it at the time. I was just having a chat with T_dub.

So I understand that opinions are strong but especially for those with strong opinions on different sides: It is highly unlikely that you convince the other person with an argument as founded as it may be. Even if you could it would change nothing in the region the person lives in. And since most or all of us are so far apart that it won’t really change anything for us maybe just take a breath and relax.

@Jazzbass19 Sorry that we put you in this position. I believe you tried your best to try and keep the discussion civilized but I am more and more convinced that the mask topic should count as a political one - except mentioning the current laws and restrictions in context.


As a quasi-lurker on this forum (roughly the equivalent of my status as a quasi bass player, although I’ve got six modules left to rectify that), I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. When I saw the topic posted, I thought, “Uh oh, this won’t go over well.” I’d hate to lose a regular contributor to the forum over it.


nooooo :disappointed_relieved:


Let me start saying that removing one’s account is evidently not possible. I’ve looked at all the options you get with regards to my account, and “remove account” is not among them. But I was eventually able to disable notifications.

Second (and more importantly): I think leaving is the right thing to do.
If, like me, you have a run-in with moderation, you have two options:

  1. You apologise and promise to not do it again, or
  2. If you really think you’re right, you leave. It’s for the benefit of your own peace of mind, but it is also for the benefit of the forum community. If you don’t, if you stand your ground, no matter how well you argue your position, it is going to negatively affect the group dynamic. Being a moderator of another community myself, I’ve seen how people who stand their ground ultimately lose anyway, and I don’t want to be that guy.
    But on the other hand, as a documented stakeholder in this debate, I do draw the line at my caution being compared with cruel medieval practices.
    And telling (not asking, but instructing, in no uncertain terms) people who willingly take risks to stay at considerably more than 6 feet away from me is what I do in real life too. I definitely care more about me being alive than about your freedom. That may sound harsh, and it is, but that’s the situation we’re dealing with. I’m really pretty much done with worrying about dying.

Since I have not heard from moderation since my run-in with them, I suppose this lack of alignment still stands. No hard feelings concerning that. I know that being a moderator is no fun at all; whatever you do, it is going to displease someone.

There are other regular contributors, and new ones are coming in by droves lately, so it’s not like this community will suffer from me leaving – I wasn’t the most knowledgeable or prolific contributor by a long shot. And I will be ok too – if I manage to dodge the virus, my chances of a complete and full recovery are excellent.

Lastly, I will read, and probably respond to, PMs, unless they’re aggressive or insulting, in which case I will quietly redirect them to /dev/null.

So now, if you’ll excuse me, there is a candy apple red bass that wants to be played, and I’m up for it. Back to B2B!

Y’all have fun here!


You are right, @peterhuppertz . . . and no, there are no hard feelings at all :slight_smile:

Sorry to see you go, but wish you good luck with your health and with the course!

Cheers, Joe


Completely agree, especially regarding the OSHA angle. N95 masks are designed to filter 95% of contaminants 0.3 microns or larger. Not 100%, and certainly not anything smaller than 0.3 microns.

The covid-19 virus is 0.1 microns in size. Goes right through an N95 mask.

All those cutesy designer masks are nothing more than fashion statements.


having lived in Korea and Japan for over 30 yrs masks are nothing new, me and the missus fall into that high risk group so we have nothing to lose by wearing them and there is no cost because my job supplies them…too easy.


Factually incorrect since the aerosol water droplets transporting the virus are significantly larger than a micron.

Seriously can we just freeze this topic and agree to all STFU about masks elsewhere on the forums? The last thing we need is for this forum to turn in to a den of misinformation.

This topic is making me question if the entire Lounge is actually a good idea after all.


My wife and I were just talking about this very thing the other day…would it be terrifying or the best thing you could ever have happen? Not long term of course, just mostly during the news cycles.


I, like many others, am going to take my once at bat here and be done with it.
What the actual fuck, mate? Is that a dodgy way of saying that we, as Americans, can’t have a pandemic and make one whole fucking day to give thought and regret to just one of the many many many stupid things white people have done? I’m truly shocked.

I’m neither left nor right, though I will say I’ve never voted for a Republican’t …also, I’m white so this obviously carries no racial motivation .

For me it doesn’t anyways. This thread needs to be gone. I want to love and support people by not having this shit world come between us. Seems not even here is safe.

Real bad look from new eyes. Thank God Almighty this is the exception.


Seriously can we just shut this topic down now?


Or let anyone smell yours if you had a garlic bagel with onion cream cheese before leaving the house :grin:


Hey everybody!

Some important forum-related topics came up in this thread I’d like to address:

@Jazzbass19 is a moderator in a very limited capacity - he’s agreed to help me keep the forum organized by moving threads into/out of the Lounge category so things are easier to find. This is a pretty new arrangement that we’ve just been testing out since Joe volunteered to help.

That’s it. It’s not his call whether threads stay alive, flags get reviewed, etc. That is 100% up to me and the BassBuzz team.

That said, since it’s clearly causing some confusion and issues, I’m gonna revoke mod status, @Jazzbass19, and take care of forum reorganizing myself (I think I can do a decent job without spending too much time). I’m only posting this publicly so everyone who sees this thread knows what’s up.

EDIT: To clarify, I’m not making this change because of any wrongdoing. This issue has just brought up a flaw in our operational game plan, and I don’t want Joe to have to bear the brunt of that at all.

I apologize for any lag in responding to the stress people are feeling about this thread - it’s just lil ol’ me reviewing all this stuff and I was taking the day off for Father’s Day yesterday. :slight_smile:

Since the subtitle for the Lounge is “For all non-bass chat. No politics. No religion. Play nice.”, I’m closing this thread, and humbly requesting that we stick to the ‘no politics’ rule, in a fairly broad sense.

Controversial topics + communicating over text (no tone of voice, no body language) is a pretty quick recipe for turning friends into foes, and that’s not what this forum is about.

@peterhuppertz, I would be sad to see you go! I’ll PM you so we can talk more, I can close your account a little more ‘officially’ for you if you still want to do that.

If anyone else is still having issues, please PM me, I’m here to help. Thanks everybody!