What's your opinions on buying Fender?

The TRBX line has double action truss rods, so loose (the “neutral zone” in the middle) and loose strings is the correct way to store and ship them.

Not sure why you waited at all for it to “settle in”, though. Just adjust the thing to where you want it, and adjust it again later if needed. Adjusting the truss rod is easy.


I agree from the manufacturing standpoint but things like fret sprout should have been corrected by the people you purchased the Bass from. Easy enough to spot and correct.

A lot here would argue that point and if this is Fender’s entry level Bass I wonder what they classify their Squier line as? :joy:

Bottom line for me is that I believe there are a lot better choices for the same money than Fender.

Like I said it’s a very very minor thing which most people would not have noticed.

Buddy, you enjoy your Yamaha and I’ll enjoy my Fender. It’s free country and I can spend my hard earned money however I like. I don’t like the look of the current Yamaha. Never have, never will.


Oh, I don’t know, this one looks pretty good:


Sexy! I had an old BMW R65 that I turned into a cafe racer…

My issue with Yamaha is that none of their current bass models are available left-handed.


Strange I wonder why that is.
Maybe @howard knows.

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No idea. They have made lefties over the years.

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This is the only one I could find, at Musicians Friend, but of course there is no stock.

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Always loved those. Though I’m partial to the R1 myself.


Out of production for several years.

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Figures :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t. Luthier did. This was pre- me knowing what I was doing. He said the neck kept a moving and not staying in one place and he wasn’t happy giving it back til it stopped and settled as he knew I didn’t know anything then.


Still sounds weird a 5 piece neck would move that much

+1. I have to say the more I look the more I like Fender best (includes Squier), I’m glad there is variety for others go buy something else. Less people buying what I want.

On Fender entry level Vs Squier. This is like comparing apples and roller skates.
Indonesia basses from Squier are now $499, China Affinity less. Mexico more. US even more. Labor rates and/or tariffs etc. drive price. Quality control is part price, part what you can “control”.


@howard , I’m not even a bike guy. However, if I were to ever be, that XS1100 would be at the top of the list. It’s just such a quintessential and no frills bike: a whacking great engine on a simple frame and very clean lines.

No problems with Fender here, they are the standard after all, and I love the look and style of the pastel colored P-basses for sure.

But at the same time they probably wouldn’t be in my top five given the choice. Mileage definitely varies here. There’s a whole lot of great basses in that price range, even with similar styles.

I could see getting a MIJ Fender P-bass in one of the amazing blues or greys though. Fender does those colors really well.


They are awesome! Along with the Honda CB’s those ruled the Standards. Great bikes.

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I like Fenders, I think that’s pretty obvious. I have not owned a Yamaha though I have tried one, but to be honest, I started playing bass after Covid and they’re not really availible around here. I liked what I saw when I played one.

I did have a problem with an $800 Ibanez, and for that money a little QC is warranted, no matter who makes them. Or sells them.

I have the impression that Fender has more QC issues than most, and let’s face it they all have lemons, but that could also be they sell more basses and we hear more stories as a result.

I don’t know. I do know I wouldn’t trade my Jag or Paranormal.


Nobody’s telling you how to spend your hard earned money. :joy:

I am def liking the MIJ older options out there, they look and feel special at least the ones i have been lucky enough to acquire. Again, glad I don’t live over there, that would be trouble.

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