When Do You Practice?

Playing since 16 may 2021
When I first started it was about 30 minutes a day, mostly on account that’s how long it took for my fingers to hurt.

Now, I get up an hour earlier so I can do a morning practice-so unless there are factors making me miss, I play for 45 minutes in the morning and an hour or just a little more in the evening.

Typically, morning practice is 5 minutes warming up with finger exercises and then learning new lines or solidifying new things learned recently.
Evening practice is a little more regimented, a little warm-up and then do lessons from the program. This is also where I focus on posture, technique, and timing.

So, one practice is in a sense free-form. the other is a little more technical.
A little more play on the weekends, I do the normal practices, and if I happen to want to pick it up at other times I’ll sometimes just sit and play for a couple hours. It’s a little more relaxed because I want it to be fun. If it isn’t organic and appealing, it will feel like a task to complete, and I definitely DON’T want that.

So, I don’t have long, skinny surgeon fingers. I don’t have a musical background, or natural talent or ability.
What I do have is monster work ethic and patience. I’m nowhere near good (yet) but I’m trying like all get out because I love playing.


I usually practice about 6 days a week right after dinner and usually aim for 30-60 minutes. Sometimes I’ll knock out some practice time Saturday or Sunday morning.


Being retired, I have the luxury of practising all day every day if I want. As I play in a church worship band each week, one good impetus is that I need to work at home on the songs for that week (before band rehearsal). so that keeps me and my basses & guitars busy most days. On average, I guess I manage 2-3 hours per day — I try to ensure that I learn something new every time e.g. by working on new fills/runs on even-familiar songs. (Or even new octaves — I play both 5-string and 6-string). One thing that has been essential for me is constantly having the instruments out and ready in my music room — for that reason, I’ve invested in cheaper “practice” basses/guitars and amps that I can leave set up. I found in the past that, if I have to get my “performance” instruments out of the cupboard and out of their cases, I’m less likely to grab one for a 10-minute run-through. Of course, I still do my final rehearsal with my “good” gear, but for all those other days, the el cheapos do the job in keeping me practising.


Since I do the B2B course, I practice 5-6 times a week - so almost every day.

I ran throught the first 4 modules up to “billy joan”. Then I stopped for a few days and started with practicing simple stuff again. I currently in module 6 and I handle it this way: first I do the previous lesson once again and then just do one new lesson. This may take some time until the slow as well the fast workout is good.

As I start working in Office very early (around 6am) I’m done with my job pretty early as well. First thing I do when coming home is doing bass practicing.


I have horrible practice routine habits to be honest. I have no idea why, but whenever I sit down to practice I suddenly forget everything I’ve ever played or need to work on. The blank only seems to go away when I have something specific to play.

So, lately I’ve been playing solid eighth notes for the length of a movie to strengthen my fingers and try to keep a steady rhythm to a metranome. Holding eighth notes for the length of a song or two does trip my fingers up for some reason. So I’ll do that and try to throw in some of the improve lesson we learned for a triplet or an arpeggio here and there.


For me, it’s been more of a “Where am I at in my life sorta thing….

From age 6-16, it was once a day after school from 4PM to 5PM…

From age 16- 25, it was when ever I wasn’t chasing girls…

From age 25-35, it was when ever I wasn’t drinking beer…

From age 35-45, it was when I needed an escape from the kids…

From age 45-55, it was when I needed an escape from work

From age 55-65, it was when I needed an escape from my wife…

From age 65- Present…… When ever the hell I feel like it!!:rofl::rofl:

Needless to say,… I never practiced between the ages of 16-35…. But now…

*I don’t go to school…
*I’m too old to chase women….
*I don’t drink beer….
*My kids have all moved out….
*I’m retired and don’t go to work….
*And my wife’s retired and addicted to “Hallmark Movies”……

Keep on Thumpin’!


Something in these two would seem to have a compound effect I would imagine as well. :upside_down_face:


Oh boy, Griff.
What a sad life… :rofl::beers:

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This is my season right now!


yeah same


:joy::joy:. Actually, I moved on to whiskey….:tumbler_glass::tumbler_glass:


Sounds like an alternative :+1:t3::rofl:

  1. Average 4-5 days per week, but can be very up and down.
  2. Anywhere from 5mins to 90mins and often over a few times during the day.
  3. Generally either after breakfast before the kids get up or late evening when family are watching TV or playing PC/PlayStation. Sometimes once everyone has gone to bed
  4. No real consistency usually as I don’t know what to practice. I have noticed since starting B2B, that I’m more consistent which I think is largely due to the workout videos. Also noticed the same when I started an online guitar course that does challenge songs every few lessons using stuff you just learnt. So much content out there that doesn’t connect what you learn to playing music.

Welcome aboard @partime.warrior :grinning:

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What’s your poison? I’m a fan of Canadian 100% rye whisky. I find the American ryes a tad sharp. I also like American sour mash whisky as well. In particular those where you get a strong taste of corn from the mash in the final product.

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Scottish is my favourite or Irish at a push.
Can’t beat the soft water from the peat moors they use


@Norman_P_Carmack welcome to the forum :sunglasses:


@robmoylan welcome to the forum


I was on a river trip with a bunch of my American friends a few years ago. I bought along a few bottles of Laphroaig. My good buddy in Montana now hates me. Why? Well he liked it so much he won’t drink American whiskey again and it’s costing him a small fortune :grin: Life is too short for average Whiskey


It’s nice to help people release the burden of money @Barney :joy: