When thinking you suck can actually be a good thing

It was more “Fun” when it was illegal… Still illegal here in Georgia… So,… still “Fun”!!:smiley::laughing::joy:

Keep on Thumpin’


@PeteP- LOVE IT!! I’ve actually been there!! :joy::joy::rofl::rofl: Hahahahahahaha.


It’s funny I came in today to say man that rhythm on higher and higher is tough. Even the slow workout felt fast. I’m going to have to re-do the lesson a few times to get it done before I try the workout. First time I’m going to have to do that. …

Hey @Jon.K totally get the Billie Jean thing too. I was good with the slow/medium workout, but at normal speed the tongue twisting nature of that baseline got me.


This is where I start to understand how we can all be slightly different in our abilities (or suckiness). There are a couple of lines that other people have said were hard but that I found easy, then some that I struggled with that other breezed through. Higher & Higher was another of my struggles.

Billie Jean was put on this planet to make every beginner feel the suck!


I suck so bad.
Whilst partaking herbals - I suck less
I assume this and so confess!
I suck more when I drink alcohol.
I suck a lot less when I practice more.


@muff You get beatnik poetry snaps all around for that.


Maybe some oatmeal cookies too? It may very well have been the words “oatmeal cookies” that started this whole thing :laughing: Dangerous words for hungry bass players :wink:


I had one of those motivational “man, I suck” moments last night during one of those occasional shitty practice sessions where nothing was coming together. Motivational in that it made me really look forward to more practice today after getting some rest…


@bob.oconnor1 Liked a post I have on this thread.

Man, this was so long ago, I had forgotten all about it.

I needed this reminder. Thanks @JoshFossgreen and thanks Bob.

There is some real wisdom to be gained from this thread. Especially if your new and struggling. That’s not true. It’s good for anybody struggling with playing whether your new or not.

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@eric.kiser - I just recently started my journey and was reading some old forums while chilling and watching hoops. This thread is one I will return to if(when) I start getting frustrated.

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Whenever I struggle I think of one of my hero’s Warren Miller. The man who changed my life. I saw one of his ski movies; I quit my job and moved to a ski town and learned to ski. Best thing I ever did.
I can’t change time but I’m glad I picked up an instrument at 47 because if I’d have waited until I was 50 then I’d have lost the last 3 years. It’s never too late to learn anything and sucking is good for you because if it was easy, well it would be called snowboarding.


It feels like there is some collective “I suck” feelings around slapping right now, so I’m giving this topic a bump.

Perhaps try…using the Force?
“I suggest you try it again, Luke. This time, let go your conscious self, and act on instinct.”
“But with the blast shield down, I can’t even see. How am I supposed to slap?”
“Your eyes can deceive you - don’t trust them.”
[Luke gets burnt]
“Stretch out with your pronator quadratus.”
[Luke sucks less, deflects blasts, gets sound out of D string]
“See? You can do it”
[Han butts in]
“I call it luck.”
“In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck. Only practice.”
(At least that’s what I’m telling myself)
(omg I’m a dork)


that was amazing XD

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Aw, thank you!

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Yes, but you are OUR dork, same as the rest of us :sunglasses:


It’s good to have people. :blush:

[burnt] [burnt] [burnt] [oh sh*t I DID get a sound out of the D string!] [burnt] [burnt]


“He is stupid, but he knows that he is stupid and that, almost makes him smart” - Sons of 3rd Bass

There’s not a lot worse than someone who sucks at something but thinks they’re good because they never see how how they’re lacking and they never seek opportunities to improve. I used to game with people like that… they were really nice but they were horrible :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

One problem that I often see with people who have not done a lot of self directed learning is that after identifying an opportunity for improvement aka “they suck”, they have no idea how to proceed.

These are the easy steps I follow to improve at something:

One thing most of us learn pretty abruptly in life is that there’s always a bigger fish. If we are lucky, we learn it early so it isn’t a personality-crushing shock later. I’ve known a few of the latter type.

"Because they’ve never heard those all-important, character-building words you’re a loser, Jimmy." - George Carlin