Where is this note on the neck

Pink Floyd
half of modern metal :rofl:

maybe more actually

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You’ll have to forgive me but this is seriously tripping me out. Is that not an Eb???

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No, that’s a D. Sharps or flats would be in the key signature.


The lines in the bass clef are G, B, D, F, A. The “spaces” are A, C, E, G. If there are any sharps or flats in the key, they are noted in the key signature between the clef and the time signature.

That note is one space below the first ledger line below the staff, which is E, so that is D.

The lines on the staff are not evenly spaced by half-step or whole-step; they are by notes. So, there is a whole step between the D line and the E space mid-staff, but then only a half-step between the E space and F line. It’s a little confusing at first.

That’s hilarious because just before asking I was confirming to myself that the F# would not be placed between the F and G but instead represented by ‘#/b’ haha
Sometimes I wonder there’s even a brain in here :upside_down_face::ear:t4::eyes:

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Neil young, Hendrix, tool, plus like every artist circa 1984-2007

“ plus like every artist circa 1984-2007”

Ebm7: I would just like to state that I pulled the closing remark like straight outta mon derrière…

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First 12 Frets.pdf (116.9 KB)
I just made this for myself. Maybe this helps :slight_smile: