10 Gadgets to Make You a Better Bassist (Or NOT?)

I went with this guy on the reco of someone here.
it get’s the job done for practicing upstairs when no one is home or outside.
Did not try the Blackstar prior, now I wish I would have just to see.

I got a fly for my bass and guitar. I love those gadgets for what they are. The internal amp/eq and headphones output is quite good compared to amplugs imo. Makes me wonder about other Blackstar stuff.

Word of caution on the Vox mini amp things–they are very fragile and it is probably best not to use them if your bass has the output jack on the side profile, as you will bash it on your leg or chair when you sit to play. Also, the internal wiring connection to the headphone input is not very secure and causes a lot of crackling after a while. I am on my second warranty return.


Just saw this thread. Dunno if it’s been mentioned yet (cuz I haven’t finished watching the video and reading it) but I have to say…

…well played with the Glengarry Glen Ross clip. :slight_smile: