10 Songs That Taught Me Metal (Easy to Effin’ Hard)

Billboard has it as the top song of 94, had to look it up as I really don’t track 90s pop. Believe it or not.

80s pop had some good stuff. Cyndi Lauper, Billy Joel, A-ha, Bananarama, Michael Jackson, B-52s. It was a good decade for popular music. So is pop better today than it was? I don’t know, it is certainly better than the 90s. “You say, I only post when I want to”


My favorite treatise on '80s and '90s pop is Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty’s book. And the fact that a bunch of '90s trashpop bands used it and it worked perfectly :rofl:

Those two guys are not only musical and stylistic geniuses, they are world treasures.


The quote at the bottom there reminds me of something Joe Walsh once said. When asked how to become good on guitar, he said depend on it to put bread on your table two shows a day.


Their book was basically an excuse for them to vent all of their frustrations with the music industry at the time. The thing is, it was such a spot on description of how to have a hit in the industry at the time that it actually worked; in a weird inverted instance of Poe’s Law, their satire was so spot on that you could simply use it as instructions.

Edelweiss did and landed an international #1 with this garbage sampling of Abba:


The endurance aspect of metal bass is pretty incredible. Love a good chug with a few runs! Bass and drum play-through.


I watched this when it first came out, but didn’t have my bass nearby and forgot about it. Just watched again today and made a start on the first 4 - Josh’s repeated mention of imposter syndrome helped me feel much more at ease not being able to play 2 and 3 at full speed. For number 4 is what more a struggle with the timing, string skipping and muting.

Far too often i usually expect to be able to play something reasonably well either straight away or within a few attempts. I think this has most likely hampered my progress over the years as it can make it feel like you’re not progressing. I certainly didn’t feel that way today so a MASSIVE THANK YOU Josh :sunglasses: