2 for 2 - Quality Issues with Schecter Basses

So, I was looking for an inexpensive step into progressive, rock basses. While at the local Guitar Center, I saw a Schecter Omen Extreme and thought, I have the money, it’s under my budget…why not? The playability was great, and the tone was what I was looking for….Sold! I got it home, played it for a few days and was really happy with my purchase. On day four, everything changed. The fretboard started separating from the neck, from the nut to the first fret. So, I took it back, and they replaced it with a Schecter Stiletto Extreme, and again, playability was great, tone fit the bill, I was back to being a happy camper. On day two, I started getting a horrible fret buzz on the top two strings. By day three it was an unplayable paper weight. I took it back to GC, the guitar tech took one look down the fret board and told me it was not fixable. The neck was warped. That was two for two from the same company…sorry, but I don’t give three strikes…two is enough. Got my money back, and I’m moving on. So, how are Yamahas?? :grin:


:+1: :+1:


Wow that is nuts. Schecter are usually known for good quality.


I wouldn’t be so fast to blame the manufacturer (although they maybe should be) but GCs aren’t known for their care or their shoppers care for instruments.


In this case, both issues were assessed as the wood was not properly cured (by the guitar tech).


Schecter usually have a pretty good reputation when it comes to quality build.

How’s the weather where you are. Has it been crazy? Here in SoCal it’s been crazy 40s at night 70s during the day and dry then rainy. My necks are all over the place. I have to give some basses a quarter turn relief then do it again in a few days.

I also not sure what to make about first 2 frets buzz turn into a warped neck. That sounds like lazy talk to me, lol.


To be clear, (on the first bass) the buzz was from the eighth fret up to the the twelfth fret, and only on the top two strings.

As for the weather in Virginia…it’s always crazy, but it only causes small changes, every once in a long while, to my two Fenders.


I am surprised. Schecter is quite a reputable company, with good reason. My first bass was a Schecter, and my experience has been nothing but good. I am sorry you had such a bad time with them.

Still, every manufacturer has lemons. I had similar bad luck with Ibanez a couple years ago. Go ahead, get a Yammy, they are terrific.


I wanted a Schecter because everyone talked so highly about them. So, you can imagine my disappointment.


Totally empathize. I bought a brand new Ibanez and it failed out of the box. I was so let down, I had the bass on order for months, and there were no replacements. It will pass


I have two Yamahas, have loved them since the day I found them. I play the wheels off of one of them, never had a technical issue.


I own two Yamaha Basses and several Yamaha acoustics. Never had an issue with any of them and all were playable right out of the box.

Whenever I upgrade or purchase anything as far as musical instruments I always check Yamaha first.
Nothing but good things to say about them :+1: :+1: :+1:


Gulp. I’m a verified schecter fanboy. I’m saddened to hear this. Both my custom 4 and my omen extreme have been nothing but gold. I don’t know from Yamaha, but i expect they deserve the high marks they regularly get.


Yeah, this is a shocker.

I’ll tell you, though… I’ve had 3 Schecters (still have one, it’s one of my faves). One of them came from GC, and it had some issues. The other two came from Schecter directly via their website and were amazing quality-wise.

My take on GC since then has been “if they don’t have one new in a box, if it’s coming off the wall, I don’t want it and I’ll find it elsewhere.”


I had a Yamaha RBX765A. Great bass. For a 34" scale the B string was great without having to fuss about it. Great quality instruments.

Schecter has always been great for me. Customer service is top notch. I tried to buy some parts for a bass and they sent them to me for free. They even paid shipping. The bass wasnt under warranty and I bought it used on Ebay. They never even asked about it.


Update: So, I ended up taking the money that I got back, and instead of throwing back at GC, I went to a local music store here in Virginia Beach, Alpha Music. And, I did a thing…

I’m loving it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ibanez rocks. One of my favorites.




Sometimes I hate what I do for a living. I’m a quality control engineer. I was falling in love with the Ibanez…but it, also has issues. There’s an electrical hum that’s coming from the the treble boost. To get rid of the noise, I have to completely cut out the treble boost or only play it in passive mode. My jazz bass is quieter. And the Ibanez is supposed to be split coil pickups. It sounds like a shielding or grounding issue. Do I really gotta go $1500 and up to avoid quality issues?? My frustration is real. :angry:

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Are those split coil? They look like a pair of single coil Nordstrands.