4th July

Happy Traitorous Colonists Day to all my American friends! :us: : :confetti_ball: :tada: :sparkler: :+1:


Accurate, apropos, appreciated and America-accepted.


I often wonder, especially recently, if maybe American independence wasn’t a good idea to begin with and if maybe we shouldn’t just rejoin the United Kingdom. =/

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Yeah, absolutely not. Not for a second-guess.

It’s wonder like this that causes people to buy-sell-buy the same bass.


No. Then we would just have had to deal with Boris as well.

Zing! :rofl:

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Maybe they should join US


Yeah, or maybe the EU :rofl:

(They haven’t exactly been very good at joining things recently)


I guess what I’m trying to say is that, for me, there’s not a whole lot to be proud of in my country this Independence Day. And I’ll leave it at that, for fear of this devolving into a political morass.

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Agree but this is too nice a place to drag into those politicky thangs

Always look on the bright side of life

da dum, da dum…


I assume many people in the UK wouldn’t mind going back. But you know pride is a bitch :man_shrugging:t2:

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that was the most democratic vote the UK has had in a lifetime- a simple yes or no- and still they tried so hard to thwart it. It’s no-one’s fault that it was shortly followed by covid and then the war in Ukraine.


That is true, but the economic impact is quite harsh for some businesses. Also the things why they voted for Brexit didn’t exactly go away either.

Just saying from my pov that I wouldn’t mind them coming back to EU. But that is up to them.


We have relatively recent evidence in the US that totally democratically executed elections can still result in insanely bad decisions :slight_smile:

Sticking with the metaphorical car that’s going off the economic cliff is dumb regardless of if most people agreed the car should drive off the cliff initially.


Have you seen the mess that the UK is in @JustTim ?!
Glad I jumped to Oz when I did although we are having our fair share of issues too

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I have.

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I get it. I have felt that way for much of my adult life, on and off. Expatriating helps, at least then it becomes a spectator sport.

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Brexit is funny from a distance, not so much for some of my family/ friends affected by it. :canada:


Yeah. Same for my friends/family in the US with our various issues. I’d be lying if I said watching it from a distance didn’t make it better on a personal level though.