50 First Songs 100 Week Challenge

I’m halfway through the course and feeling confident enough to try this now. Is it too late to join in?



There is no time frame or order for you to play the songs in although I believe they are arranged from easiest to harder. If you create your your own Bass line you could even use that.

I look at the 50 Song Challenge as a valuable supplement to the B2B course.


Perfect! Thanks. A challenge is just what I need to stay focused. :grinning:


The word challenge in the tittle is a bit misleading.
You are not competing against others but rather challenging yourself as the songs get progressively harder.


I was thinking the challenge was in learning and memorizing a new song every 2 weeks for 2 years.


Learning a new song every two weeks for two years was in the original layout when @JT and others first started this however, there are no hard and fast rules to follow.

Read the first post and check it out every now and again for updates.
Currently you will see that the timeline has already been stretched to three years.

As far as memorizing the songs that is a whole other ballgame and I do not believe most participants have that goal in mind. Other skill sets would come into play such as ear training, learning the Nashville number system, possibly a more in depth understanding of song structure and music theory and a few others. These skills take time to acquire and I mean a lot of time.

There is nothing the matter with being able to play the songs from the sheet music or a lead sheet and those are already provided for you.

Just have fun and play the songs you like.
It’s all about the enjoyment. :+1: :+1: :+1:


So for those of us that joined after this started, I assume since they are organized somewhat in levels of difficulty, we would start at the beginning? I’ve been working on a bunch of songs both on and off the list on my own but the structured approach may be a good idea to keep things moving.

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the songs are all ordered by:
Difficulty Level
You can find all the info here…

If you head to our Discord server and join up, there is a post there with a pinned post of all the info you need, in order, for all the songs.

Don’t worry too much about ‘what is discord and how do I use it and why’ if you don’t.
It’s a chat platform, but we use it to store info on these songs for several other reasons (you can find in the forum comments.

The above link takes you to the thread of interest.
If you don’t have a discord account, simply create one and head back to this link.
Then, in the uppper left corner, click on th little thumbtack (pinned post) and it will take you to all the info needed.

Where do you start?
Wherever you want!
We started out doing them in order and one every two weeks but that fell apart and now they are there for folks to do however they see fit.
Being alphabetically organized, all songs in a difficulty level don’t increase in difficulty.
Also, different folks find different things difficult or easier.
If you scan a thread for a song in the forum, you will see a lot of comments on what people learned or found in a song as they went that may be helpful.


I had a discord account already and joined the group this week. Not talking much in there yet beyond the usual greetings.

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yeah, don’t worry too much about the chat, just the pinned post.


Discord is my most disliked of the social media platforms. I may have to try it anyway


Oh I like it the most, cause I don’t use it :upside_down_face:


Why? It’s just chat :slight_smile:

Also audio and video too.

It’s ubiquitous in gaming, basically required for group play in some games. I actually do dislike it for that to some extent (I son’t want pesky humans intruding on my gameplay - I prefer to think of them as insane NPC’s :rofl:)

And also lots of music companies use it for customer communication. Kilohearts runs contests and events there, with free stuff. It’s kind of cool actually.


I’m a gamer, and have used Discord for years to talk during combat, which to me is the point. But I am a member of several dozen game channels and get bombarded with alerts and messages when I login in. It’s very annoying. I login when I need voice coms for a game.


You can mute alerts for channels :slight_smile:

Agree their controls for that are kind of blunt though


Reminds me of a lunchtime conversation last year. One of our young labourers
found out I was ex military and was asking me questions about operational tours etc because he was interested in joining. I asked him that if he didn’t like team sports of any description, didn’t do any kind of exercise ever as it ‘bored’ him and didn’t really like being told what to do. Then why would he consider a career in the Army? He said because he was really good at Call of Duty on the Xbox.


Aint no off switch, gaming chairs or engery drinks in the military though.
Oh, kids today!


That’s absurd. I don’t know what the youngster today are thinking.


I’m pretty sure with the advent of drone technology that the military has recruiting booths at gaming conventions like Pax. The military also fields e-sports teams as a recruiting tool.

So this is happening


I can believe this, but you still have to get your lazy fat ass through basic. Or are drone pilots exempt? It’s probably all contracted out to civvies anyway.