50 First Songs 100 Week Challenge

I’m up for this. I need this kind of direction because I know what I’m like. If I find a song too difficult I will move on to another because I’m inherently lazy. Hopefully this will force me to persevere. I won’t be posting videos either I’m afraid. I’m a bit of an analogue caveman. Don’t have a DAW or anything like that (not even a web cam) - I’m strictly a bass direct into physical amp kind of guy. Give me 50 years and I’ll catch up :sweat_smile:

I think the value of this is great though - apart from providing additional motivation it will give us all an opportunity to discuss the same song and highlight problems/tips etc.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I want from this too. Be good to be doing the same as others and we can all moan about playing the entire Billie Jean song together when it comes around. :rofl:


Oh boy, I don’t feel ready yet, 'cause I ain’t halfway through the course. But I would love to do this.

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You never know until you try. It is roughly arranged by difficulty, so you might find that it pairs with your progress on the course well.

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That’s what I’ll find out indeed @JT :+1:


I’m in. And thanks for the perfect organisation of this projet, JT. I have a lot to do but I’ll try anyway. And some advice from our great teacher Josh the Great would be welcome on some songs (I think about Iron Man from Black Sabbath, wich is quite difficult at the end!).


Thanks. Don’t feel obligated to do every week. No stress. There is no certificate at the end or anything. Just join in when you can and feel like it. Should be fun! :slight_smile:

Yeah, it would be great if @JoshFossgreen joined in somehow, but I’m sure he’s a busy man. We’ll just have to see. In any case, I bet he’s rooting for us all.


Great idea, @JT and thanks for the effort you put into this! I’ll try to join whenever I can. :slightly_smiling_face:


What A Brilliant Idea @JT - I’m In

Thanx so much for the links and list - Really appreciate the effort

Rock On,


I’m in also. Perfect timing for me. Was just about to start working on those songs.


I’m almost through M11 so I still have work to do, but I will join you all. This should be fun.

Oh crap… I just read this, I’m OUT!! haha!! :smile:

I will have to tap into some of you peoples expertise on recording and posting the finished product. I might skip that for the first few. Looking forward to this, thanks for setting it up @JT

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Fun idea. I doubt I manage to participate every two weeks, and two years is a pretty long time to commit anyway, heh, but I’ll try to join occasionally, for the time being.

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@RemcoRG. I am just starting module 7. I might not do all the songs, but I am going to give it a shot. See how I do.
Go for it !


Yeah, don’t worry about doing all of them. I’d be surprised if anyone does all of them. It’s just a bit of fun and will be good to have others involved. Just do what you feel like doing. Totally up to you!

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@RJMajor well after a year I’m at module 4.6 :rofl:
Time is short lived. I enjoy it very much, but just have a hard time to find the decent amount of time to move on faster. So yeah I’m with you on giving it a shot indeed. Just for the fun of it.


I’d like to do this, but I don’t think my work schedule will co-operate. For what it’s worth, I learned “Folsum Prison Blues” except I played it an octave lower and in the key of F. Does that count?


I think moving a song an octave and to a different key should get extra points! :slight_smile:


Seems we are getting quite a lot of support for this, which is awesome. Some have already started on the first song, which is completely up to you of course. Just remember you need to tune your E-string to D for the first song. Don’t worry though, there are only 4 songs like this! Just happen to be starting on one.

On a side note, I’ll likely be moaning about my progress on the new official Discord server (replaced my unofficial one) in addition to this thread. Feel free to join us over there if you want. Totally cool if you’d rather not. Discord lets you text chat, do voice calls, and do video calls.


Great idea, I’m down! I’ve been working on the course on and off for over a year, actually probably more like two years, and have only made it to Module 8 so far. But now I really want to get serious and move forward with this so this comes at the perfect time for me - thanks for doing this!

So these are the songs in the book sent with the course, is that right? Unfortunately I left the book in Spain and got stuck here in the US in the pandemic last year but hopefully I can get Josh to send a replacement. :slight_smile:


Hi Susan and welcome!
Can you not access the course and course extras online?