Hi Regina, of course - now I see there’s a digital version of the book, should have known! Thanks!
Glad to have you on board. Yeah, there is a link in the first post in this thread to the online version (or you can get to it through Course Extras), which scrolls as you play and lets you slow down the tempo when you are learning. Should be a lot more effective than the book. Also, Josh swapped out a few of the songs that were in the book.
Welcome To The Tribe @susanstarling
Thanks, happy to be here! I’m one of those who get bored fast and need motivation to keep going and learn the songs properly, so I think this is going to be really good!
Welcome to the community @susanstarling!
So I want to get this right, we learn the songs in the order determined at the beginning of the post, correct?
Yeah, that’s the plan, but if you want to deviate that’s up to you. If you want to do it the same time as others though then that’s the schedule we’re following.
Got it. Thanks!
Is there a way to print the sheet music?
It’s not easy. This was Josh’s reply in another thread:
AFAIK, because we’re dealing with copyrighted songs (which we license through Noteflight), they disable the print/export options that would be there with non-copyrighted material. So if someone were to desire a printed copy, they’d have to do a bit of fiddling. Hypothetically.
If you put it on full screen mode and maybe change the view (button in top right of player) you might find something that you can screenshot and print. (I think it’s “Windows Key - Shift - S” in Windows and “Cmd - Shift - 4” in Mac).
Got it. I thought there may be a bit of sorcery involved in getting a printed copy.
I may have done some hypothetical fiddling. Hit me up via pm, if anyone is interested.
Edit: If someone has mastered the art of removing basstracks from these songs, it would be awesome if you could find a way to share the backing tracks.
Some people have the 50 First songs book too and I think Josh only substituted a few songs from that. Not sure if all the transcriptions are the same though.
This is such a great idea. JT, you da man. I’m in, will have to set a calendar invite so I remember.
Just so everyone is aware. They’ve setup a channel specifically for this challenge on the new official BassBuzz Discord chat server. Again, this is completely optional and we’ll still be posting things into this forum thread, but if you are interested in having more in-depth conversations around this stuff then the chat server is a great place for that. It also has the option to do voice or video. If you’d rather just stay on the forum then that’s completely cool too.
Here’s the chat server link to join it. BassBuzz
And the channel for the challenge is #50-songs-100-weeks
Official start of the challenge in on Monday! Feel free to get a head-start if you want though.
For some reason, Discord doesn’t like me. Had trouble logging in and I’m taking this as a sign to not get involved in yet another forum/social media / chat thingy. I hope that the majority of the conversation will still happen here.
Yeah, no worries on that. I think the majority of conversation will happen here as that’s what most people are comfortable. Discord is more for when people want to have a real-time discussion about something.
For those that want an off-site reference or just like a good ole’ spreadsheet, I’ve made a Google Sheets doc with all the relevant information on it here. I’m still adding some of the Spotify links, but that should be done later today.
So, I guess we should probably all be practicing Another Brick in the Wall by now. Great choice for a first song, @JT!
I’ve been told that my sense of rhythm is pretty nonexistent, so I’m trying to get into the habit of drawing my own beat ruler from the sheet music, in order to visualise it more easily and practice with a metronome or simple drum beat. Could you check if I got this right? Arrows indicate the length of the note, the zero means pause/mute. Maybe this is also helpful to others.
Thanks a lot!
hey yep, you nailed it! the beat ruler is an underrated resource