50 First Songs 100 Week Challenge

Indeed, and it can actually help you understand and cement music notation!


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m going to skip the first week due to time constraints, work schedule and that I only have access to my Traveler Bass that is tuned to EADG standard. I will try to complete “Bad Moon Rising”.


FYI- The YouTube video I had linked for Another Brick of the Wall was the edited video version, not the full version and didn’t match the tabs at the end, so I’ve now corrected the link. Here’s the proper one:

@JerryP No problem at all. Feel free to just join in on the ones you feel like doing. It’s all just for fun. :slight_smile:


Ok, I’m late to this party, but I’m in!

My fault for being so un-engaged online, but this will be a great motivation and a way to connect with people on the forum.

Advice needed: Any suggestions as to how to synchronize a video of me playing, with my recorded file via DAC, and a backing track?

Suggestion: those of us who plan on sharing our recordings, are we posting it all in this thread, or should we have a thread per song where we can discuss our questions and post our recordings specific to the song? This way the thread won’t get too cluttered. Just an idea…

Ok, I got some catching up to do!

Thanks for the organization!


I’d be all ears as well…


You’re not late to the party. You are right on time. :slight_smile: Some have already started, but I haven’t yet. The first song isn’t due until the 21st of March, but you don’t have to do every song of course unless you want that to be a personal challenge.

As for recording as you and @skydvr have asked, different people will have different methods. I’m currently experimenting with Lightworks (free version) and finding it simple to use and effective. Below a video that explains it all. It’s very easy to do with this program. The free version is fine for this purpose and it works on Mac/Win/Linux. It just means you can only export in MP4 and only up to 720p. That should be adequate for what we’re doing. It’s what I plan on using. Again though, making videos (audio or audio/video) is completely optional. I recommend it, but it’s totally cool if you don’t want to or simply can’t be bothered. :slight_smile:



I thought we were going for the 8th?


8th is the Start. The dates I used are the start dates to start learning each song, but it’s not a hard schedule or anything. As long as people are doing them roughly at the same time then we can have the community feel.


Ahaaa, I thought those were the due dates! Well, that gives me more time for perfection (and other things in life…).


BTW, The audio/video software Lightworks I mentioned above is great for combining and audio and video tracks if they are separate (like phone video, but DAI audio). If you want to record audio and video into one file at the same time, then you might want to try OBS.


I wanted to not put Due dates because then people might feel let down if they don’t finish by that date. Might take some people 3 weeks to learn a song for example. Although I know people are probably more used to seeing due dates.

But yeah, it means you have some flex time now to burn through. :slight_smile:


I thought it might be fun to post just whatever you have and wherever you are around that date. But your approach makes sense. In the end, people can just do whatever they feel comfortable with. I’m stoked by Another Brick in the Wall, btw.

This might be a good idea and could also be helpful for future learners. But then the forum might get too cluttered? We could keep this thread for the more organisational part of the challenge. This would then mean that we open a new thread for the respective songs on the dates given by @JT to keep with the schedule and then put a link in here.


I think we’ll still have that. I think most people will post what they have before the start of the next one. Just some might need some extra days to finish one after the next one has started. Of course, someone might decide to start this in 3 months and start from the first song instead of joining with where the rest of the pack is then. That’s fine too. I did originally have start and end dates to stress that we’re aiming for two weeks for each song, but I think the looser way is fine. I’m sure we’ll be saying things like “Only 3 more days and we’ll start on the next song”.

As for where to put the songs. I find that telling people where songs should go never works anyway. So, I expect some to put it in this thread, some to put it in the “Post Your Covers” thread. Some to make new threads for each song for people to use. Some to make their own special thread for their song. And some to put it on Discord, either in the correct channel or in another channel. :slight_smile: It doesn’t really matter to me. I think we’ll just fall into a natural rhythm once we get going. However, I suspect most people will put it in this thread, which is fine with me. Most of the organizational discussions about this are already done, so I expect it to turn into talking about each song as they come up and posting videos of people playing the song.


Well, people will do what they want, but we can aim to post in a specific place.

If you say we are posting it all in this thread than I will.

If you open a new thread for each song than I will post there.

We can try to have it organized at least. Just like you made a schedule: not everyone will follow perfectly, but it is something to aim for.
I think a thread per song makes a lot of sense to keep discussions organized and it will make it easier to find what we’re looking for.

You’ve done a fantastic job of organizing it, no reason to leave this one last part as “everyone will do what they feel” :joy:.


This looks really simple and doable.


I tend to agree with this. I’ll probably stay away from the Post your Covers thread because it is so long and five people posting the same song at roughly the same time seems a bit like spamming it :wink:

Let’s see how many people will take part in this after all. And whatever we end up doing, it would be nice if people post a link to the thread in which they post in here so we can keep up the community feeling.


Alright, lets to a post per song thread then. That might also make it easier for those that come to the party late to see what others have done. In fact, it might make sense to have a thread to discuss the song as well as put videos in. e.g. I could make an “Another Brick in the Wall” thread now so we can start discussing the song and then the latter part of that thread will likely be videos of people playing it.

If this works out, I kind of see us as Wave 1 of many future waves. We are starting 8-Mar-2021, but another group might want to start Wave 2 in 3-6 months and start with the first song (Another Brick in the Wall) then for example. However, we should try to share the same individual song discussion/video threads across waves as that builds up a nice historical view of it. Maybe I’m jumping the gun here, but just trying to think of what could be ahead. :slight_smile:


Exactly! Thinking about the future and how others might benefit is a really good idea. There is nothing more tedious than combing through hundreds of posts before getting to the point you are interested in. And this thread already has almost 80 posts. You could also link the song-threads in the introduction, so people can easily find where we are.
Thanks again for all the effort you put into this!


Linking song threads is a great idea! Not sure if there is room in the table, but I’ll try. I actually enjoy getting things organized like this. I do corporate strategy in my “real world” job, so sometimes its nice to just do something like basic organization. Therapeutic in a way. :slight_smile: