50 First Songs 100 Week Challenge

Yeah, that’s a great point. I think a link to that page in Course Extras should suffice. They are all listed alphabetically in there by default so it isn’t hard to find the one you are working on.


@JT. I meant just the recommended youtube video. Having it in beginning of the thread would make it easier to find.


But the original song youtube link or someone covering the bass already?


Just which ever youtube @JT decides we should use…
For example…find me the “Another Brick in the Wall” video in this thread. Scroll up, but where ? I just thought it might be easy to have it right at the top…the root.


Oh ok! That has been done already on the specific cover thread!


Yeah, we’re making a separate thread for each song or this one will become a complete mess. I posted the video in the first song thread and will be doing that for the others too. Sorry for the confusion, we’re kinda figuring this out as we go as its the first time.


And in any case there’s an amazing spreadsheet that @JT made, with all the youtube and spotify links! It’s at the top post


Thank you everybody for your responses! 50 Songs challenge category is up:

So all future song threads, resources, etc. can go there. You all rock!


Is there a sign up on this or just join in


Just join in the fun…


You don’t even need to tell anyone you’re in. Just do the cover and post it on the appropriate thread :wink:


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Alright, I am IN! This is just what I need to motivate me.


Then I can’t wait to do this


FYI- My plan is to open up the thread for each new song a week before the “Start Date” on the calendar in the first first post. This gives people a bit of wiggle room if they want to start a song earlier, but keeps the pack roughly together.

I realize some people may be able to knock each song out in a few days and want to move to the next one, but if we all end up on different songs then we’ll loose the “we’re in this together” feel. If you are one of those people that can do it super fast, then I’d recommend you learn other songs in-between the ones in the challenge, or work on music theory, technique, transcription, or improvisation.

Of course, this whole thing is optional and you can do what you want, but this is how I plan on proceeding with it. BTW, if a song takes you longer than the two weeks allocated, that’s perfectly fine. Go at your own pace. If it takes you a month, then you can decide whether you want to go to the next song or skip one and catch up. Or maybe some people will work on songs in parallel if one song is taking them a bit longer for whatever reason. Entirely up to you.


@JT This is some excellent stuff you’ve put together.

Others have tried to do something similar and it never took off. I think it was this level of organization (and having so very many new members over the last year) that is really pushing this forward. Great job on getting all this organized.


Thanks. I found that after finishing the course I was thirsting for more. Then I realized I hadn’t actually tried/learned any of the 50 songs, but they were sitting there waiting in a nice format. And I need some structure and time-gated goals or things just don’t happen. The rest just fell into place. :slight_smile:


Yes! I think this is everybody when they finish the course. The idea of having 100 weeks of structured content right after is something I think will help all of us and many more to come. I don’t know what I could do to help but if there is anything, PM me and I’ll do whatever I can to help.

@JoshFossgreen For those about to rock the 50 Songs 100 Weeks challenge - we salute you!
Maaaaaan. Nice tagline. :smiley:


I thought it would be cool if we could include a copy of the songs with bass removed in each thread.

Can anyone comment on the legality of sharing out a bass removed copy of the song?

Would that be covered under fair use for learning purposes?

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We had a debate about this on Discord. If you contact me on there, I may know a friend of a friend who can give you want you need. :upside_down_face:

We actually weren’t sure on the legalities of it, so didn’t want to post them on the official forum just in case. If anyone can verify it is cool then we can do that though.