50 song question

I’m a newbie to bass and have always played by ear on most instruments. I was excited to see all of the songs that came in the 50 song package. Unfortunately, I don’t know how some of these songs go and I’m not able to figure it out I’m out with just the baseline. I’m not That familiar with the course yet. Is there a way to play along with the actual song and not just the baseline. This would help a lot.


When I saw the 50 song info, there were links to the original videos on YouTube. Would that work for playalong?
Or are you looking for something other than an original recording of the song?


I would imagine once you check them out on you tube there will be quite a few you will recognise albeit not always the original artist, sometimes even a sample.

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Welcome, @papatim4. If you pop over to the Introduce Yourself thread, the rest of the B2B family are waiting to greet you!


We have a discord server over (on Discord) where you can find everything you need. Sign up. Go to the 50 song challenge thread and there will be a pin icon with a link to materials.

They are purposefully not here as a precaution for copyright issues.


This is a screenshot of the Discord server. In this image, the pushpin is in the red circle. Click on it to get the info you need.


Basically the easiest way to get familiar with the songs is YouTube or Spotify or apple play etc
The songs also have a midi recording of the bass which works well for many of them
I wasn’t familiar with a few of the ones that I’ve done so far, but it’s a good fun exercise

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