5G explained

Would that be right?

I’ve just switched my computer on to apologise to @PamPurrs for ‘getting on her case’ which was a tad unreasonable - and I do - Pam I apologise.

But now I have your input to deal with as well.

From my side the story goes something like this.

I’ve seen a vid that explains what 5G actually is, and I’ve found it alarming so I’ve passed it on to friends etc.

Then I’ve posted it on here in what I consider to be the most suitable section of the forum.

Then Pam has made a remark about the vid being political, which she obviously hasn’t even watched due to the time between the posts.

Then I have made a polite reply to her, highlighting this.

All good and tickety boo.

THEN @Jazzbass19 pipes up with his twopennyworth, which really got my back up. So now, within minutes, I’ve got two different people taking issues with a post I’ve made.

THEN Pam comes back with her reply to my reply, which I then replied to from an agitated (by @Jazzbass19 ) position.

It seems reasonable at this juncture, to point out that this section of the forum was actually created/instigated by @Jazzbass19 , and his stated purpose for it was . . .

So as far as I am concerned, I have created a topic in a section of the forum which fits EXACTLY within the stated parameters of said section, and then, within minutes, two separate people – one of whom is the creator of said section - have taken issue to one degree or another about it.

Now you have popped up with your views, calling me a troll, when in my view, the only trolling going on is from @Jazzbass19 who is in fact trolling his own creation, at the same time as actually ‘liking’ the post lol.

Also in my view, perhaps it would be a JOLLY SPIFFING IDEA to edit the stated purpose of this section to give it some sort of ‘safe space haven type posts only’ parameters, which restrict it to people posting innocuous stuff like pictures of their dogs etc, and also rename it something like ‘Snowflake’s Corner’.

Have a nice day.

Oh and do feel free to sign up to 5G without a care in the world for your personal privacy or National Security.