A couple of weeks ago when I went to my local music shop to collect my Ibanez back from repair, I bumped into a guy from work. We’ve spoken a couple of times at work, we do the same job, but work in different offices.
Anyway, he was asking what I had in the guitar case, so I proudly showed him my bass.
He said he plays rhythm guitar, he and his girlfriend were writing songs, and looking for a bass player, would I like to meet up?
So this weekend I went over and he taught me a couple of the songs they have written, while I hastily scribbled tab notes. We are planning to do some more practising soon. He seems pretty cool for me to get a little creative as I learn the songs. I’m just playing root notes to start, but as my confidence grows I can add a bit to the mix.
I guess I’m in a band now! No gigs planned, its a new venture, but it is so good playing with other people, I look forward to meeting the drummer on Saturday, and hopefully we can get a lead guitarist soon too. It’s quite exciting.
Awesome! Keep us posted
That’s so cool. Congrats! you are more than ready to breakout. Let us know where we can go and see your show.
Very cool, definitely let us know how you get on with it
@AndreaJayne -there are no chance meetings! I am really excited for you. It will be a blast!
SO excited for you!
How cool!
That’s just awesome @AndreaJayne ! So cool!
Superb news, the best things happen through chance meetings
@AndreaJayne thats great! Wonderful story!
Exiting! Hope you have lots of fun playing together
This is how it happens in movie scripts!
Congratulations on this scenario and definitely keep us posted!
Outstanding @AndreaJayne !!
Thank you all for the kind messages. I’m just seeing how it goes for now. The couple of songs I have been learning are both acoustic guitar. If it is leaning too far over that direction it may not suit me long term. I just prefer heavier stuff. Time will tell, and it is good practise if nothing else