A good site (Like BassBuzz) for guitar?

Greetings. I’m on the last module of BassBuzz, and I’ve had a great time learning the bass this way. My daughter, who plays guitar, was asking me about a good website to help her w/ the guitar. My brother plays and she’s been seeing him for help, but he lives an hour away and I told her I’d find her a good website for guitar. Anybody have any recommendations, something similar to BassBuzz for guitar?

Kinda cool, in the family we’ll have 2 guitarists (my brother and my daughter), a bassist (me), and a drummer (my daughter’s husband)!

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Guitar Zoom-Steve Stine…the real deal


@mr.crispy Is putting together a master list here.
Like BassBuzz but for [Insert Instrument Here]

I’ve heard good things about justinguitar.com.

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Ask her to take a look at https://club.yourguitaracademy.com/ awesome lessons and a proper structure. There is a free 14 day trial too.

There are several threads already on the forum regarding this topic, some fairly recent.
Asking the same question over and over just clutters up the form. Just do a search.

However, to answer your question in this thread,

A site, that I feel is under rated, and I have seen recommended many times on forums, is The Good Guitarist with James Testani.

His YouTube site has many free lessons and song tutorials.
Also, his beginner’s course is very reasonably priced and his teaching methods are very similar to B2B.

Here is a link to his YouTube site:

Good Luck :+1:

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Guitar Mastery Method I have found to be much better than Guitar Zoom. I belong to both.