A half fretted, half fretless prototype

Stumbled upon this oddity on a german craigslist-like thing. No intention of buying it, just wanted to share. Haven’t seen sth like this before but can hardly be the first one having this idea.

Includes an official “utility patent” to go commercial with it

Does this bass come with D’Addario Half Round Strings?


There’s a few different ones on the market. It doesn’t make sense to me

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I have trouble understanding why people want fretless alone, much less half and half :rofl:


Every time I see the picture of the body I think ”you‘re building a prototype like this and you didn‘t spend 30 bucks on a proper bridge?“

I’m with you on this @howard . i wouldn’t mind giving half of my fretless away…

And is it just me, or maybe a trick of the light or some E.L.O. style strange magic making those frets look kinda funny? They look quite squared off and flat to me? Super strange. Never seen that before.

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