I do understand when people rather play bass than guitar … and want to get rid of that 6 stringy piece of wood … but does it need to be so dramatic?
Guys: recycle, don’t throw away!
I do understand when people rather play bass than guitar … and want to get rid of that 6 stringy piece of wood … but does it need to be so dramatic?
Guys: recycle, don’t throw away!
I’ve always liked them and I find it completely amusing that fripp couldn’t play his own song after doing this
Just a guess, but is this a commentary about that artist that duct-taped a banana to a wall (and then some ass-wagon bought it for north of 6M and supposedly ate it?)
Unfortunately, I am not in the position to drop that kind of coin, but if I were, it would most definitely be for a guitar taped to the wall over a form of musa!
One of my German study books was basically “Man’s Fear and Torment”
That’ll teach her!
I bet that was a scintillating read!
Wow! We did not read that one, although if would have fit the zeitgeist of the late 60’s.
By the way, love the cockroach.
@Whying_Dutchman the best destructo-guitar clip is the last one - supposed to be Pete Townsend sending another six string to the life beyond, but Keith Moon had bribed a roadie to put some gun powder in his bass drum (he over-did it) and the entire drum set went up in smoke.