It’s impossible not to love those two; I want to be that cool when I get old.
Ever see the movie Swingers? They remind me of the band that is playing Stayin Alive in the bar
Except they are a lot more fun to watch.
It’s just so funny. He’s widely considered among the best guitarists of all time, and she’s a top charting star herself, and they’re both just so goofy and Zero Fucks Given about it all. I love it.
No thanks. Not into Rebel Scum.
Not even for your son in law?
Hah, I don’t think I ever bought a commercial record on tape… always vinyl only.
Bootlegs, OTOH, I had a few on cassette… with either hand-written notes, or copies copied so often, it might as well have been Rohrschach blotches…
Right, but what if it’s your wife falling down the stairs, knocking your bass off the wall? Do you hope that it falls on her to break the fall?
Silly question.
Ehhh…. Guess since I’ve been with my wife for 50 years I kinda don’t get this…
Haha I have to admit this is wrong…but I laughed
In honor of “the big game” today. No idea who is on tap for the anthem, but I hope they have the right dots for it.
It may be wrong, but it’s good trolling