I was just wondering if there is any major issues when changing from 4 to 5 strings ( if indeed you played 4 strings before) ?
I’m just toying with an idea that may not come to fruition but I would like to hear from those that have made the change.
Some people have issues. There are lots of used 5 string basses out there with “It just wasn’t for me.”
I’ve jumped back and forth between the two after spending the first five months on four string only. I don’t have much of a problem now after three months of both. Truth be told, I seem to prefer fives. Your experience may vary, but it would be best to approach it with the attitude that other people can do it, so you can too.
The only major issue is you may have buyers remorse if after a couple months you realize you just don’t like 5-strings
That’s what happened to me. Luckily I had bought at a steep discount and made a slight profit selling it.
^^ that
I disliked how close together the strings were the most, which I hadn’t expected to dislike as much as I did.
The buyers remorse is my biggest worry @howard and @admacdo
I would have to sell the Ibanez SR 650 to fund the purchase of an Ibanez BTB845V ABL.
Hard decision and I’m really going to have to think long and hard if it is even going to happen.
At least you may be able to pick up a used 5’er so that you can see if you like it. You’ll be able to offload it for around the same price. If you can find a 17mm string spacing, it should feel pretty similar other than neck thickness. The BTB’s feel slimmer than my TRB5 or Fbass.
To me the four string necks appear to have greater variation, but I’ve got way more 4’s than 5’s at present, so take that with a grain of salt
I only played on a 4 string for about 4 weeks before switching to the fiver, which I’ve been playing ever since. It’s really just a four string bass with a “B” string added, nothing complicated about it. You just have to keep in mind that the B string is there when you’re going for the E string.
I can easily go back and forth between 4 string and 5 string at this point.
That’s funny that you say that, because that’s one of my favorite features of the 5 string. It’s much easier to jump strings when they’re closer together.
To each her/his own as they say
I started on an Ibanez SR305 5-String, then switched to a 4. No issues.
Now, I play primarily 4 string, using the 5 only when the music requires it.
That’s the primary reason for my interest in swapping @mmrunyan1
I’m a big Alter Bridge fan as well as liking a lot of metal/rock bands and I am finding that a good few use 5 string basses . Don’t get me wrong I have plenty of music I can try to play without swapping to a 5 string but the temptation is nevertheless there.
I’ve just been casting my eye over the 5 string kits available here very much like julior built. Food for thought
Love the body shape and neck bevel, very Ibanez
That shape and the soap bar pickups is what drew me to it
I started with a 5-string for months before ever touching a 4-string, so it just seems normal to me. I find the finger roll technique easier on a 5-string. When I switch to a 4 I’m wondering if there’s even a string over there when I start rolling!
If you are improvising on one of the shape patterns, you don’t fall off the edge when on the E string and wanting to continue the pattern lower. I like having another 5th nearby.
I’ll try and remember not to fall off the edge @DaveT
Thank you all for your input especially those who enabled me
@Mac now that’s a fair bonnie lassie your going to have in your hands. I look fwd tae watch the lassie bloom
My thoughts exactly, except you did a much better job of putting it into words than I did
Hey Mac,
I have a 5 string here, it has plenty of bottom end with the low B
But I find it extremely heavy after using it for a while.
If we get together in the future I will bring it along.
Cheers Brian
Wow. I didn’t expect to read that. I figure if anything the B string could be a new perch for your thumb if you didn’t pluck it.
@Jamietashi Aye she is bonnie fae sure
@TNKA36 . It would be good to meet up
. Even if just for a beer and a chat