Now here’s something I can confidently say I never needed - acoustic KISS
Sorry nothing positive to contribute to the discussion
Now here’s something I can confidently say I never needed - acoustic KISS
Sorry nothing positive to contribute to the discussion
That’s how I hold both my acoustic and electric!
If you’re in for a cheap semi:
As you can read German, enjoy!
That looks like a lot of bass for the money. Not for me, though. If I were to get one, the first thing I’d do is replace the chrome knobs with the H-B black metal knobs (two single, two stacked) that I used to replace the sh*tty black plastic knobs on my Ibanez EHB1000S.
I kind of like it … but won’t get it, cause: not allowed
I would change the knobs and the bridge (cause of intonation).
Have you heared the sound samples in the review? Very nice!
Yes. Agree!
Point of order here. I know we always have thread drift and that’s just how it is. But @Gio resurrected this thread to ask a very specific question about issues people may have playing an acoustic bass guitars. Give it a chance for people to answer before his question is completely buried by thread drift. It was not about semi acoustics, or changing knobs or bridges. At least give a bit of time for him to receive some answers.
@Gio one other thing I notice is that the thickness of the body does push everything further out which make seeing the fretboard that little bit harder too. Somehow it seems to me to be that little bit harder than with an acoustic guitar, but maybe I’m imagining that having got used to a thinner solid body.
I did my first 3 months on a Fender ABG, 32” scale length. It was “ok” ergonomically, and I grew up playing acoustic guitar off and on so I was already used to playing acoustics.
Things I like:
Things I don’t like
It’s nice to have for certain situations, but if my wife hadn’t had purchased it for me I’d have never bought one myself.
I’m new to playing bass, and my first bass is electro-acoustic. I struggle every day when my hand moves away from the sound hole, lol. I thought it was something odd that I do.
Really appreciate the feedback here, gang!
I try to stay positive about anything and everything that keeps people happy, making music, and playing bass.
But these instruments - the big full size ones - I feel like they need to be sold with a warning label.
Will be physically difficult and awkward to play
Won’t be loud enough in the acoustic jam session
Won’t sound very great
They give you that unplugged access to bass which is killer.
I feel like there’s some level of deception in them though.
I am suspicious.
Thanks again, gang.
Carry on! Research acquired!