I may get this mounted!
I may get this mounted!
Be still my nerdly heart–all the things I should’ve learned years ago but didn’t!
I hate to be that guy but I am that guy. almost half of this chart is modes which a lot of us think are pretty close to useless, especially for bass players.
Luckily it didn’t break the bank but I think the other parts of it will help, me, anyways.
It’s also massive and made of a plastic material. I went to get it mounted and they told me that they couldn’t do it because it would melt in the mounting process
yeah I mean it’s got a lot of good info on it and I used to have something similar to it that Arianne has out. so sorry, not dissing. just, … modes
Opinions vary.
Modes have been discussed ad nauseum, and there are several very vocal detractors everywhere online. But unless a player actually digs in and practices playing modes, their actual value will forever be an unknown.
Personally, I have found that practicing modes through the Cycle of Fourths has resulted in increased dexterity in both fretting and plucking hands; improved fretboard familiarity and position comfort from playing the entire range, up and down the neck; and much better bass lines improvisation.
I’m not suggesting modes as a magic bullet for anyone’s playing, and I realize that practicing modes are unnecessary for learning cover tunes. I get that.
But I can say that practicing modes has been greatly beneficial to me. Again, YMMV.
Its a good wall poster, I have it myself. It is pretty huge and not too expensive.
I do at times shudder in fear when a video mentions a ‘mode’, but realise that there is some value in having the information available. I just practice covers myself. But those times when I just sit with my bass and mess around with sounds I’ve learnt are the times when a little extra knowledge can make the improvisation more fun.
Thanks. I ordered one. Should be helpful during lessons as a teaching tool.
It will still help many to understand them like what modes are minor vs which are major, etc. and FWIW there is a guitar version as well. If nothing else for $20 it makes a nice wall hanging.
Bingo. It never hurts to have as many tools in the box as you can have. It’s all part of a learning process. Learn then if you feel they’re helpful…or not.