Hello there, Alan is here! fleeing excited to be here.
I’m an extended term (rubbish) guitarist who has been flirting with the thought of playing bass for quite while. I accidentally found a Bassbuzz video which was so wildly entertaining that I even have been watching quite few. They’ve been very educational also , to the purpose where i’m seriously considering buying one.
Welcome @AlanWeb and good luck with your bass shopping. When you get going with it, please introduce yourself in our introduce yourself thread.
Welcome! If you wanna lear bass the Beginer to Badass course is awesome. It’s like hanging out with Josh everyday.
Sure! Thank you so much for your greetings.
Welcome Alan, I’m still pretty green here myself.
Ha ha you can do better joke! than me SIR
Welcome to the forum @AlanWeb
Do not be surprised to find this place one of the friendliest forums on the internet
Glad you are here @AlanWeb
Come join the dark side…leave those nasty guitars behind……
I’ve just joined myself @AlanWeb … and signed up to the Beginner to Badass course a few days ago! So far I’ve found the course great and easy to follow, well set out. And the forum is super friendly too, unlike others I’ve seen!
Welcome @AlanWeb
welcome @AlanWeb
Welcome @AlanWeb ! You’ve made the right choice
Welcome @AlanWeb. Get a Bass and start the Course. Its great. XD
Thanks, Appreciate that.
Sure, @Fou_Lou I’ll try to get that. Thanks by the way.
Welcome @AlanWeb . You’ve chosen the nicest most informative forum on the planet.