Anyone here in Brisbane or nearby?

Hey all, a very specific question I know.
One of my big problems is people to jam/learn with.
I know a few guitar players with jams groups I am trying to get into but they are all way above my level and have established groups.
I was wondering if there were a few people on here nearby who wanted to get together as relative beginners with any instruments and have some beers and play some tunes, talk shit etc?
I am on the Southside of Brisbane.


Hey mate, Iā€™m in Sydney and was in a similar position to you about 1.5 years ago - just started, looking for band mates to jam with. I found what I needed on Facebook with 2 local pages looking for musoā€™s close to me. I just did a quick search and found a Musicians Wanted - Brisbane page. Join that and ask around there. Even look for bands already playing that are looking for a bass player. Also try Gumtree for ā€˜bass players wantedā€™ ads.

I remember replying to a post letting them I was keen, I was sent the set list and pretty much shat myself at the list of songs I needed to learn. But I was upfront from the start and they understood. I basically had 2 weeks to learn what I could so went with the easiest songs and really went to work on them so I could be the best prepared I could. Ended up learning 16 songs which was enough to have us jamming for just over 2 hours, the rest of the time we spent having a couple of beers, talking music, etc.
So bud, just put yourself out there - youā€™ll be surprised what you can learn in a couple of weeks if you commit.


Well bugger me,
I got an invite for this Saturday. I messaged one of the blokes Iā€™ve been talking to.
Got a song list, printed of some charts but Iā€™ll have a proper look on Guitar Pro tonite.


Still very much interested in a Bassbuzz local hang if there is anyone local.

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I thought I wonder if theyā€™re doing a the original Deep Purple version or the later Whitesnake cover. Quick google turns out Ritchie Blackmore and David Coverdale wrote it and there are 20 versions of the song to choose from!

Also the downside of living in a small town is after 2 years, I still canā€™t find anyone to jam with :frowning:

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Iā€™m west of Kingaroy mate

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Not sure likely Deep Purple, I can kinda do Smoke on the Water but havenā€™t tried Stormbringer.

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Got a mate out that way.
Do you shoot at the pistol club and maybe know Eric ā€œBad Ass Wallaceā€?


I donā€™t unfortunately @Gloucestre .
Thought about it a couple of times though but Iā€™m an hour out of town in the middle of butt f*ck nowhere


Hey mate itā€™s always a good thing to ask for which version youā€™ll be playing. I was found out once when Brown Sugar was on a set list and silly me thought it had to be the Rolling Stones version ā€¦ hahahaha not quite. It was ZZ Tops version!!! So that song had to wait until our 2nd get together and is now one of my favourite songs to play now.

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True that,
Iā€™ll see how it rolls when I get there.
I have some Guitar Pro scores printed and found some chord sheets.
Likely Iā€™ll be doing a lot of listening and winging anyway.


How strange.
My name is Eric ā€œBadAssā€ Kiser.



Well, that was a resounding success.
I only played half a dozen on the list but given that I am not familiar with a lot of them and only had a coupla days to prepare that is no biggie.
I took along my Axiom Jazz bass with tapewounds
We finished up the set with Time, the bass/keyboard player suggested I put the amp on distortion and I used the ZoomB1four pedal with a bit of chorus.
I also dug in.
When we finished they were smiling and said I nailed it, we were all grooving hard.
Long story short they want me to come back :slight_smile:

oh yeah, the other bassist had a Musicman and after Time they started to play I Run (I think) and he looked at me and said he was jealous of my tone so I let him have a go at mine and he rocked it.
Not bad for a $200 Chinese bass.


Awesome! That sounds like it went as well as possible.


Nice one @Gloucestre


Congrats, sounds like it went really well and that you had a good time!


Off again tomorrow with another play list i have been working on during the week.
Some I can do, some I canā€™t yet.
Brothers in Arms Iā€™ll just do the chords mostly.
Have a Cigar I havenā€™t played properly before this week but can mostly get- the groove is most important on that one I think.
Light my Fire- I get what they are doing but I havenā€™t got a good tab.
She Sells Sanctuary is just fun
Crime of the Century- Havenā€™t heard it before but fun to play.
Hells bells, not an ACDC fan but not too hard.
New years Day, again not hard but fun.
Comfortably Numb, easy and fun
A couple of others in there too- they are happy for me to turn up and play what i can which is great.
A lot of work for a week!