Anyone taking up 6 string guitar?

I feel pretty comfortable on the bass now thanks to Josh. I want to start dabbling around with a 6 string acoustic. Just wondering if anyone has a good suggestion for online lessons?

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Steve Stine, too me, is probably the best teacher on guitar right now. But it is more rock oriented although he does have quite a few lessons with acoustic. He is a very personable teacher with such a unique way of explaining concepts, much like Josh. And he has hundreds and hundreds of free lessons on youtube.

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I like Justin Sandercoe of Justin Guitar. The price is right for getting into the six string acoustic without too much expense. His beginning courses are free. I also have done the courses on TrueFire. You have to purchase the courses on TrueFire but I would sign up and wait for a sale. The beginning courses can be had from $5 to $10. In those courses you tend to have several teachers. Then there is Blues Guitar Unleash which was recommended in the forum. I also looked at Lauren Bateman she is OK.

After trying a couple out there, I will recommend GuitarQuest | Your Guitar Journey Starts Here ( by Rob Scallon. It’s kind of slow at the beginning, but it’s mainly because of the musical knowledge we, as bass players, have, but from the fourth Lesson onwards it’s quite good and it’s really focused on playing music from the very beginning.

We have a few topics on this, I think this is the last one:

I’ve tried a few, including JustinGuitar, Paul Davids’ course, and Scallon’s GuitarQuest. Of these:

  • Scallon’s was cute, the most fun, and most similar to B2B, but it was too basic and slow for me, and doesn’t seem to get you all that far.
  • Paul Davids’ course is great but has by far the least handholding.
  • Justin’s course is, IMO, by far the best on out there.

Another one to check out is the beginner stuff over at GuitarTricks.

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Thank you everyone, I am checking them out now.

Man, like every YT guitarist out there has their own guitar/music system now :laughing:

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Getting that way :slight_smile:

Maybe a good question for @terb or @MikeC, but I was curious about string recommendations?

So far I’ve liked the usual suspects from bass just fine (D’Addario EXL and NYXL, Elixirs, etc). And I know that for now at least 10-46 feels better to me than 9’s. Any other brand recommendations beyond this for nice inexpensive gems I might be missing?

Stringjoy, SIT and DR all make great strings for guitar and bass. They sound and play great, and they’re not expensive.

I’ve used some small shop, hand-wound strings on my acoustic guitars, but their price rivals the cost of high-end bass strings, so…

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Ahh cool, I should really try DR’s sometime. Thanks!

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That’s what I use. I tried a few other brands because a friend of mine works for a website that sells guitar strings, but I’m fine with those D’Addario XL. 10/52 except for the Gibson where I prefer 11/56.

Cool. I just ordered one pack of DR Hi-Beams, I have a set of Elixir Nanowebs, and I’ll swing buy and grab another set of EXL’s from Ikebe as I have enough points for a free set and already know I like them. Those three should last a couple months.