As if enough people didn't complain about Billy Jean

…check this out. And on his new signature Schecter no less.


No thanks, his skills are fantastic but his channel really does nothing for me.


Crazy skills!


Thanks for the link, @JustTim.

His skills are tremendously inspirational. So inventive and impressive. A true artist who’s amazing to see. The world’s lucky to have his channel.


his skills are insane but to me it’s like watching a robot play a programmed bassline. he is technically masterful but lacks (for lack a better word) “soul.”


Yeah, I just don’t get anything from watching it. He’s mastered the art but pure demonstrations of virtuosity do nothing for me. A person with insane skills exists? noted, thanks. It doesn’t matter if the work itself doesn’t move me.

I’ve been meaning to check out his solo albums because I bet that those have something interesting to offer. But this? Not for me.

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Gotta disagree, @mgoldst, but to each his own opinion, as with all things. :man_shrugging:


I love watching Charles make insane stuff look easy. He has a good sense of self-deprecating humor which is refreshing.


Charles’s signature bass is sexy as hell, in my opinion. It’s the only Schecter that’s ever made my GAS dial…

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To me he’s like Buckethead or Yngwie on guitar. Sick technical skills, but often less is more.


100%. Charles is very likely a soulful player (otherwise, what a waste of talent!), but the YouTube algorithms dictate that gimmicky videos with technical pyrotechnics are the ones that catch eyeballs. :roll_eyes: He seems to have chosen to prioritize view counts over showing us the true range of his musicianship. Can’t blame him for monetizing his talent. Perhaps he’ll reconsider his approach to video content once he’s reached the “burned out” phase that seems to hit most long-time YouTubers. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

I’m way more impressed by the playing of bass YouTubers like juliaplaysgroove. She’s not making videos to impress with her technical skills (which are solid); she’s making videos to move you.


Charles has been attributed online and in print with being a major influencer who inspires young people to take up bass. Major kudos to him for that Herculean accomplishment.

Whether his or any other online musicians’ productions/performances move you is an individual/personal/subjective thing.

Actually, the same holds true about any particular tune, band, artist or genre.

Charles is a young player with otherworldly talent and creativity. Personally, I like his playing. Perhaps others don’t. Either way, he can do, and does, things most mortals can ever dream of, whether on video or in real life. And, speaking for myself, hopefully, he is a very long way from being done developing as a gifted musician.




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I am going to ponder both this statement and the video more in-depth in relation to my bass guitar journey.