Audio Assault Klank Bass Preamp - Worth a Try

I’ve got a few Audio Assault products and noticed they had there Klank bass preamp on “sale” at $9.99. I also had an email that they had a valentines day special for 50% off everthing using the code valentine-50 (think it was just about to end). I’ve just picked it up for $5 and seems like a reasonable much cheaper alternative to something like the Darkglass (which I own, but got this for something different).

Now I just need to learn how to use base gear better :upside_down_face:

This guy does a decent demo:

The code doesn’t work anymore - and you cannot pay per Paypal.
“Klank” sounds Russion to me, so I don’t give them my credit card info ^^

Bugger. Even for $10 it’s pretty good. Some of the implementation isn’t that great though - for example, I don’t think they’ve paid for a signed instal program as Windows complains when installing. I’ve got multiple of their other plugins though and haven’t had any issues.

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