B2B in 7 days? Can I actually do it?

Yes @peterhuppertz, I am happy to report she got out of the hospital on Friday. I have been on the forum a little less since because I have been spending time with her. Because of Covid, I had not been able to visit her for the last 6 or so weeks she was in the hospital.

I am also proud to report that she has started the course.

She lives with her mother, and After having Madi here on Friday and Saturday, her mother decided hat she should not be coming over here due to Covid. She doesn’t allow my youngest daughter (16) or her youngest daughter (8) to go out during the lockdown, so she is doing he same, makes sense.

So, I am about to pack up my stuff and head over there for some more of Module 1.

Thank you for all the wise words of what to prepare for and how to handle any set backs that come along the way.


Update: finished today. Now what?


Do it again? I am doing arts again, but I started the scales course at Talkingbass.net last night. There are a few modules there that will be helpful until B2B 2 is ready. I am considering a teacher at some point soon as well, hoping when ready @JoshFossgreen will ba able to take on a new one, or recommend somebody that can.


You can check this out. BassBuzz YouTube Video Guide


Thanks @eric.kiser, I have seen that. I have gone thru many, some over and over. I started the free starting to the scales course the @PamPurrs mentioned, and so far it’s review of what B2B has taught me, but I a,m in the very early part of it. Just thru the intros and first 3 lessons. After 5, you have to pay for the course if you choose to complete it. I do like it. He is not @JoshFossgreen, but he is good and keeps it upbeat, I am sure I will learn lots if I continue it, which As of now, I do. Along with going thru B2B all the way thru with my daughter ( on Mod 1-4 as of now), and whatever else I can find to do, as well as practicing and doing finger exercises that I have found and like, and just playing for fun too. No better way to wait out a Virus I can think of :+1:t2::+1:t2:


I know this is irrelevant to everything that is above this in the thread… but I really love that black tele hanging on the wall.


That was my first instrument. I bought it second hand after I had … somewhat made peace* with the fact I’d never be allowed to have a drum kit (too noisy for an apartment, and electronic drum kits did not exist in the late sixties), and before I figured out I would like playing the bass better.

It’s a cheap copy, but it sounds absolutely gorgeous. I fell in love with it on the first chord. It completely ignores the amp you hook it up to, producing a warm, clear but not bright, transparent tone. Play a chord on it and you’ll hear each note in the chord – which means it is very sensitive to precise tuning too. Too bad the tuners are a bit crummy. :wink:

*) I have actually never completely made peace with that. Fornicate, fornicate, fornicate…


Specifically check out this video. Are You an Intermediate Bassist? (17-point Checklist) It will give some perspective on where you are and what you need to work on.