That was a whole lotta cauliflower.


Ha! I should post tours. When we bought the house it had 6 feet clear under and a crumbling brick foundation. When we replaced the foundation I had them excavate down another 3 feet and pour a slab. Now I have the biggest man cave I could dream of :slight_smile: it’s meant I could hang an 11.1 Dolby Atmos movie sound system exactly where all the speakers go, something that is never normally permitted.

The sack load of cauliflower was being added to the white beans in broth that had been going for a couple hours along with cashew purĂ©e. We went vegan diet a couple years ago and this makes a great substitute for white sauces. Even eating meat I’d rather have this for sausage gravy and biscuits or clam chowder. Never been a big milk fan.

I never make less than 2 gallons of anything. It gets vacu-sealed and frozen.


I’ve been a Vegan before, but only lasted about six months because I love dairy products too much :rofl:

Being a vegetarian is easy for me, despite loving meat. I’ve done it three times in my life, multiple years. But Vegan I just can’t do.


I’m the inverse. Milk kills me, but I still cheat with a steak now and then.


We eat vegan quite a bit - probably 5 days a week. Still enjoy venison and wild turkey that I hunt here on our property, and also fresh seafood when I get a chance to make it to NC to visit my daughter and her family
 I think that the key is to just eat healthy


It’s good to eat as healthy as you can, but still eat what you enjoy (in moderation). No diet is perfect for everyone, but if you take care of your body and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, you’re good.
I have a friend in San Diego who comes to Phoenix occasionally, and I join him for dinner at his favorite vegan restaurant near the hotel he always stays in. I find the vegan fare “edible”, but when I leave him, I tend to seek out the nearest burger place so I can get some protein :rofl:


Yep, that’s about my take on it too. The fishing boats came in with a good catch recently and I wasn’t going to pass it up.


For me that “moderation” was difficult to discover initially. I had no idea how much I only thought I was eating well until I cleared out the sugar addiction. My eating pattern was masking my body’s ability to naturally crave what nutrition it needed. It took a few months of very strict eating to reset back to the point where I started craving fruits. I eat in moderation now, but it’s very different from how I ate in moderation then.

The idea that proteins only come from meats is a misconception. Animals manufacture exactly zero dietary proteins. All proteins that exist in animal muscle are there because that animal either ate a plant or ate another animal that ate a plant with proteins. The difference is that animals have assembled the plant partial proteins into complete protein chains. If one is eating only plants, they need to eat a large enough variety of plants to assemble complete protein chains themselves. I’m not knocking having a delicious burger, only pointing out that vegetarians are in no way lacking proteins.


I never said that. I only stated that I needed some protein and the burger fit nicely into that model. To be honest, I get all the protein I need from my daily breakfast which consists of 3 (sometimes 4) eggs basted in real butter (not fake butter such as margarine) covered with melted cheddar or mozzarella cheese, and two strips of bacon. The remainder of my daily diet consists of mostly veggies, barely, malt, and hops. I only occasionally eat dinner, and if I do it’s very light. I might take a bite of a donut or cookie once in a while, but I really don’t care much for sugary foods or beverages.
I haven’t had glass of milk since I was forced to drink it as a child, but do use a powdered milk product for recipes that call for milk. My bone density tests always come out very good, as do my cholesterol, liver enzyme, and sugar levels.
At 72 years old, I have more stamina and energy than many people half my age. I think my diet is working for me :smiley_cat:

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True enough. It just happened to remind me in general.

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That’s good to hear !!

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