Back under lockdown

The deputy commander called me as I was leaving to terminate a network outage as we were going back into shelter in place. An hour later he called again to say we were going to additional restrictions and a lot of on base functions were being shutdown and off base locations were being made off limits but we are not shelter in place at this time. Bottom line we are one step away from being back into mission essential status…where ever you are, please stay safe and make smart decisions for you and your community.


Yeah, Tokyo’s at an all time high for infection rate righ now.

It’s under 500 new cases/day in a dense metro area with 37 million people, so compared with the US it’s not bad at all, but it’s still worse here now than it has ever been. Younger people are getting serious cases now too, which is alarming people. Take care and stay safe.


You too Howard eventually I’ll be able to make it to Tokyo and we’ll terrorize the music district for bit, hit a ramen shop for a bowl and a beer, and go back for an encore.


Aww yeah :slight_smile:


Stay safe @Tokyo_Rat

We’re under Stage 4 lockdown for another 5 weeks. Our infection rate has been 400-700 daily with quite a few deaths mainly from the age care sector which is very sad. We’re only running at a population of around 6 million I think . Strange times.

Having said that I don’t go out much and don’t like people particularly so my life hasn’t changed much !


our lockdown is all about ship readiness. On sailor gets covid and goes to work considering their tight quarters 1/4 of the crew could be infected and at that point the mission fails because this ship is unable to get underway. The base CO approaches things with an abundance of caution but to do any less has the potential to be devastating.


Oh hell yeah. We’ve has major person to person transfer where workers are in close proximity to each other


I’m aware of your situation as I am in contact with Yokosuka every day. Right now I’m trying to get back there in November for a small project that needs completion by January 2021. I hope ROM rules are eased by then. Maybe we can all hit Tokyo and check things out. (Like the way I invited myself to your party?) :slightly_smiling_face:


Brother I think that would be awesome…regardless you can always hang in the N6 shop and play…maybe we’ll do a little recording…I’m the CFAY N6 so I’m pretty sure it will be OK


Sounds like a plan. As soon as I get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed, I’ll let you know.


My son is a new sailor. He just boarded his first command a couple of months ago. He’s not allowed to leave the ship while in port. So, much for seeing the world…


It sucks but it is keeping him safe.


True. Norfolk will just have to wait. At least he got to see Mayport (his home port). His class was the very last class to have a normal graduation in early March this year, so we got to see him. The following classes got more and more restricted; other parents were not so fortunate as we were.


I understand CFAY raised the level to HPCON C yesterday.


yep…they had already implemented the new restrictions on Sunday but were waiting on CNFJ to make the call of HPCON C. Still prepping for FEP in Sept but I can see that being canceled.


yep…they had already implemented the new restrictions on Sunday but were waiting on CNFJ to make the call of HPCON C. Still prepping for FEP in Sept but I can see that being canceled.

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