I recently started taking lessons, my teacher gave me homework. I need to find a backing track for 2 songs. The ole 97, and Silver blue and gold by Bad Company. Can’t find them anywhere. Anybody got a lead for me?
@Gadget Backing tracks for specific songs are not easy to come by. I did some Googling and I didn’t come across anything for what your looking for.
I recommend checking out this thread for being able to create your own.
the technical aspects of creating a backing track from an album track is here : "remove" the bass line from a track
but @eric.kiser is right as it all ends up as recording covers
Dought! Good call. Thanks @terb.
I’ve downloaded a few backing tracks from here : https://www.sheetmusicdirect.com
They are not free but they have different versions with different things removed - bass being one of them.
I’ve only bought a few as it could get pretty pricy but found them to be really good. The gotcha to watch out for though is that they pitch them so you don’t have to drop tune - so some tabs won’t work with them and you’ll need to get the sheet music as well.