BadAss BassBuzz Alumni

Well, I really didn’t rush it. I did not go on in lessons until I could play the fast workout well. Exception: Slapping.
This will never be my style, I took the Mod 13 lessons just to please the teacher. Silly kidding :wink:. Slapping is my low priority long term project…


What’s next for you @thomas


This question popped up when the last lesson was finished. Hell, it’s over, what shall I do now?
I need to gain speed to play some rock songs I like. Getting faster and keeping a solid tone is a major target. I am working on ZZ-Top’s ‘Gimme all your lovin’. Dusty’s bass line is full of 16th. He looked slow and kinda sleepy when he played but hell, he was faster than lightning.


I’m doing the Music Theory for the Bass Player course - which is great, but I don’t have much previous music theory so this is all new and interesting to me. I’m also doing the 50 song challenge here which I think is great for building on what Josh has taught and also increasing speed, introducing new techniques and playing around with different tones to match the songs. Each song builds on one another. Not many of the songs are songs that I’d choose to cover, however as someone else has said here - it’s like eating your vegetables … they are good for you and don’t taste so bad once you get going. Good luck on your next steps.


That’s a good idea! I got to look into this. Created my first (real) bassline yesterday based on what we learned in Mod 14. There are some really nice no-bass jam tracks on YT. Will help to improve my basic knowledge of music theory . Most of the tracks sound great. Better than vegetables :wink:


Aloha! Just completed B2B on 10/29/2021, started on 10/1. Having a lot of experience with other instruments really helped. Sincerely hoping the next course arrives soon! I’ll probably be looking for a private instructor in the short term.


Congratulations @mojo!

You have so much experience with music, did you get much from the course?


Congrats @mojo !!
Don’t hold your breath for a next course…instead look to, it is where a lot of us go for the next level stuff. Next best thing to Josh on the interwebs!
He has sales a lot (if not on now) btw.


Congrats @mojo
I attribute my previous guitar playing (even tho it was 20 years ago) to my ability to move thru the course very quickly, but it was also just the beginning of Covid Lockdown, and I had all day every day and I just went right thru it.

I have been waiting for that 2nd for a long while now, and will take it when it it out, but like John said, I also have taken many of the courses at Talkingbass, along with one on one instruction with @JoshFossgreen, until health reasons prevented me from continuing, and after I got strong enough again, income reasons prevent me from continuing, but they were some of the best of all the dollars spend on anything bass related, those hours with Josh were. Next to those lessons was the B2B course, then the talking bass courses, worth all my basses and gear 15 times over were the lessons and courses. I don’t regret any money spend on bass gear, but the best money spent was on courses and lessons hands down 100% without a doubt.


Congratulations @mojo !


Quite a bit, actually! I was completely self-taught on bass, and the very first thing the course taught me is that my right hand technique was trash. Also, I haven’t spent much time reading the bass clef since I stopped playing piano regularly years ago. I really enjoyed the practice with that. As soon as the sheet music for each lesson was displayed, I’d stop the playback and read through it. The great thing is that was very often at the very beginning of the lesson. I’d also never learned any slap technique at all, so that was a great introduction. Most importantly, it kept a bass in my hands almost daily for the last 20 days. Previously, I really only picked up the bass to practice with my side project on Sundays (I switch off between bass and banjo in that band), or when I needed to record something. I consider this course money well spent, and I plan to buy it for my brother in law, who is getting a bass and an amp for Christmas.

I place a very high value on education. My guitar instructor is very highly regarded is endorsed by just about everybody, and has produced over 20 dvd courses. Oddly, I know people who are willing to spend a few hundred bucks on one of his signature pedals, but not to attend one of his masterclasses. This is a man who taught me more in 2 years than I had learned in the 30 years prior. My goal for my personal students is always to graduate them to my instructors.


Congrats @thomas


Congrats @mojo


Thanks @mojo. We have had a few people who were hesitant about what they might be able to get out of the course since they had experience with other instruments. It’s good to hear what you got out of it. :+1:


Congrats @mojo ,
Cheers Brian


Hi, I finished today. It was really fun and now I’ll probably do it over again, or work on the jam tracks and songs. Other suggestions are welcome. Cheers :clinking_glasses:




Congratulations :partying_face:


Congrats @oswegan


Congratulations @oswegan ,
Cheers Brian