Bass Buzz/Hum

Greetings! Got a question about my practice setup (see pic if I get loaded properly :laughing:).

When I’m practicing I alternate from sitting on the chair to standing in front of it. I vary from 6 to 8 feet away from the wall-mounted TV. The closer I get to the TV the more buzz/hum I get, almost to the point that it becomes overpowering. Not sure if it’s the 60hz AC hum or something else. Regardless I’ve been searching for ways to eliminate the hum, everything from clip-on ferrite noise suppressors for the cables to Donner and Pyle hum suppressors.

Anyone else have an issue like this? How did you eliminate the hum? I really don’t want to move around my setup from how I have it, but I gotta get rid of the buzzing/hum!


Nice setup. Are the hums coming from both basses? I have a feeling that the fender/Suiier jazz Bass probably have some humming (single coil jazz pickup), not sure what’s your other bass is?

Anyways check your tone knob I’d it all the way up? If not then just electronic cavity shielding. Don’t forget the under the bridge as well.


One is a Squier J Bass and the other is a Dean Edge. It does come from both basses, though the Dean seems a bit worse than the Squier. I’ve messed with tone controls on both and tried running the amp on another electrical circuit in the basement to no avail. The TV is a plasma that works fine under normal use. The closer I get to the screen w/ either bass, the worse the noise from the TV gets. It over-powers Josh like crazy!

I did read a bit about cavity shielding with copper tape, but to be honest, I’ve read about so many different things (some that fixed problems and some that didn’t or made the issue worse) that I’m not sure where to start.

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You’re not going to like this, but it’s probably your TV. Plasma screens are notorious for causing interference. It’s actually the screen itself that emits the interfering radiation. You should be able to check this by turning off the TV while you are standing in front of it and experiencing the hum/buzz you are describing. The only solution is to replace it with an LED panel TV.


Ugh. That’s discouraging, but not surprising. I have turned it off while I was practicing, using my laptop instead of the TV and eliminated the noise. If the plasma screen is indeed the issue, looks like I’ll be continuing my ‘Beginner to Badass’ practice with just my laptop.

Thanks for your input.


Take a few steps back



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Yep. I have a old CRT in my practice area for silly things like playing old VHS tapes for background noise/visuals. One day, I turned it on so I could have Jurassic Park playing while I practiced and my amp immediately scolded me with ungodly noises… :laughing:


Well yeah, obviously. Take a few steps back. Thanks. I was hoping to find some kind of filter that would work to eliminate the noise.


led curtain? :upside_down_face:

Sadly the interference is airborne.
You know that page in every manual that everyone ignores that says “this device complies with FCC yadda yadda yadda…may receive interfenence from yadda yadda yadda…and too bad”?
This is when that page matters, sadly.


What would Stevie do?


Bass Practice Faraday Cage


Well if it’s not too severe usually noise gate pedal works. You can pickup a cheap ones for about $30.

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I know this isn’t helpful to the thread, and as an official High Poobah Of The Forum, I really shouldn’t indulge like this, but I am.
Because EVERY TIME I see this thread title come up and see HUM there in big letters, my heart swells with love for one of my all time favorite bands.
Hum is great.
They also have an incredible reunion album that is absolutely lovely.
If you, like me, keep accidentally clicking on this thread because you think people are talking about the amazing science-fiction-alt-post-rock pioneers Hum, this post is for you (I mean me).