Oh setups are very important.
Strings are very personal. You may end up finding you like something else.
Yeah i recommend the D’Addario strings. Tell your boyfriend he should try those too.
Ibanez ships with D’Addario so you’re already getting experience with them Now you have some Ernie Balls to try when those wear out. You’re on your way to finding the strings you like!
Lol this is a faster journey on guitar where they tend to wear out more quickly XD
Hi there!
My first Fender J came from Huigens music in Hengelo and my latest will go for a full setup to Paul’s Bassmatters in Nijmegen, practically around the corner for me, it’s a pure bass shop which is extremely rare.
Hello @PiercedenNiston…welcome to the subterranean abyss
Welcome, @PiercedenNiston. If you would, consider going to the Introduce Yourself thread and tell us a bit about yourself.
There are bass players in the Netherlands - in fact, there’s a pretty big music scene here in general. As far as stores go, a few would be worth checking out. Red Sound Music in Amsterdam is a good one, and they carry many different brands. Another option is Bax Music, which has locations in a few different cities. They also have a pretty good selection. You might also like some of the best guitar accessories here. When it comes to choosing a bass, it depends on what kind of sound you’re going for. A P-bass might be a good option if you’re looking to play rock or metal. But ultimately, it’s up to you to try out different basses and see what you like best. I hope this helps, and good luck with your search!
Paul rules! I always watch his website for unique used stuff.
He sure does.
He made some changes to my newest baby and it sounds AMAZING.
If you have an active/passive switch on your bass he can add a wire that makes a lot of difference when you play active as normally the midrange knob is useless in active mode but with a wire added it works perfectly. This applies to Fenders for sure, don’t know about other manufacturers.
And it’s practically around the corner from me as I live in the Ooijpolder so he’s the closest store along with Stockenhofmusic in Beek.