I hope you are including Stingray in the “Iconic Fender” class.
I found out yesterday that Cliff Williams of AC/DC game plays an MM bass as his main rig! I’d always assumed he’d stuck with Fender
Nope, he’s a stingray guy
Another CHECK for Rays
I’m starting to see a Stirling in my future
A MM Stirling?
A Stirling Stingray?
Not 100% sure yet
Yeah, I like some of the MM Sterlings. Better. I really do like the Sterling 5’s
WAY BETTER then the Stingray 5’s.
I don’t really like the extended pick guard, all the way to the hardware plate on the Stingray 5’s
been eye balling this one for a while
not for the player, but for the looks and the simplicity
I don’t know if I like that or not? On the one hand the simplicity is quite refreshing,on the other hand is it too simple? Is there such a thing as too simple?
I need a lie down now
MM also makes a signature stingray guitar from the almighty Stephen Egerton from the descendants which has NO controls on it, and people are losing their minds over it (somebody called it “broken” ) . He has it that way because he plays so hard he was constantly bumping in to them. Personal taste, I love the less is more approach. I don’t use any controls on any of my basses.
And this one just caught my eye.
Porn for sure
same for me pick ups always full on , maybe fiddle a bit with tone, but mostly not.
less is more.
have so many tools to adjust tone, by strings, pedals, amp
Who likes green? Browsing the MM forums, found these two beauties (and the backstories). The first is one of a kind. Eric Clapton had a festival in Texas in 2019 and 12 guitars and basses were custom built for it, this is music man’s contribution, a stingray in libra green.
The second, also one of a kind, is a 2 eq fretless 4 stingray in the first edition dargie green. That color has been released I believe 3 times now, each time the color is slightly different. They are all collectors items and also a running joke, something about green basses don’t sell. The first year is the most collecty-est, with the martini glass inlays (see it there on the fretless? so adorbz
inlay close up from a 6 string:
Man I like that first one @itsratso !
That green has always been a favourite of mine
Awesome find
I like #2. I think if I had to choose between HH and Fretless, I would choose Fretless
I don know why but that surprised me @T_dub
I don’t really like my Ray4HH. I am trying to, and maybe It will grow on me more. I love the look and color, just not the neck pick up.
The ONLY pick up set up I like is the Bridge pick up dual coil.
the single coil bridge is weak
Both on and the neck pick up, single or dual coil, all sound muffled.
Why use the space if you are not gonna use the pick up at all.
Id does get in my way a little since I am used to the Ray4H.
I was a Martini drinker.
Gin only, REAL martini’s