i’m getting really damn close to deciding that i will get one someday.
Getting an EBMM?
Or getting a Green EBMM?
Or getting a fretless EBMM?
Or getting a double buck (HH) EBMM?
Or is the answer just YES?
sorry, a dargie. i have a few boxes left to tick on my MM wish list. i want a fretless. i want a roasted maple neck. i want a stingray and (maybe) i want a dargie. i don’t really care about pup config, i have 2 single H’s now and they are my fave, but maybe something else for variety would be nice. so the reality is i would be looking at ideally 2 basses. a dargie stingray. and/or maybe something like this (edit: i thought i was posting a pix of the 4 string version of this):
Oh my goodness! @joergkutter that is a beauty!
Yeah… one day maybe There are too many nice basses out there
Yep, it is the RIGHT color too.
The Sterling Ray34 Black ash comes with roasted maple neck and fretboard, headstock too…
If I get that, I can cross that off your list.
And since we have this thing going about Rays, your list might as well be my list too. * *
I totally get what you mean. I seriously looked at the Duff McKagan Fender when I wanted a P bass but as I’m sure you will know it comes with a PJ set up @T_dub. As much as I tried I couldn’t get past that because I wanted a P bass and only a P bass.
I’ve also just found I can get a roasted maple neck for my MIM Fender. Very tempting lol
Haha… I am sure it’s because of this pesky fifth string it got
the money string
Nice looking streamer.
I would prefer it with black hardware however. I rarely LOVE gold hardware on a bass.
Very nice @howard👍
…when the line between an instrument and furniture is crossed. I wonder where the cost is? The wood…or the labor.
Or the line between instrument and art?
It’s Warwick Masterbuilt, so… both.
It was a custom shop bass made for Ishibashi Gakki, a music store here that sells lots of them. Which means Warwick has made a “making of” video for it, just need to find it. They do that for all their custom shop basses AFAIK.
I am back with a Warwick and you can’t stop me!
This Paintjob is plain gorgious! Love it.
Warwick Custom Shop Masterbuilt - Streamer Stage I - Devil’s Claw Finish #18-3763
Wow, love that claw rip right under the frets, that is wicked cool