Hail to thee, my fellow Forumites.
I saw the post from @V-Bass about tab really lacking in the rhythm department (and yes, yes it absolutely does) and the one from @Whying_Dutchman about how to choose the tab fingering you want to go with (such a good and overlooked aspect of so many internet tabs!), and wanted to open a bass tab question thread.
Any other questions tab related? (Full disclaimer, this will totally help me with a thing I’m working on!)
(If you post a question you’ve already answered, you can add a “NANT” to your post… that will totally be ignored and answered… but still, maybe it will help.)
I’d love to know what hangups you all remember, or are currently experiencing, with the weird world of tab - the things that you found that made you scratch your head, the hurdles you encountered, any of that.
Anything that I/we could collect and impart to a fellow bassist - particularly a beginner - that would help better navigate the world of tab.
Again, this isn’t necessarily to answer those questions, just to collect them.
Unless you want an answer.
If you want an answer, lemme know.
Shoot - you’ll probably get about 7 answers whether you want one or not.