Added How to JAM a Metal Bass Solo Like Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath) to Module 14.
Added Why Your Bass Playing Sounds “Meh” (5 Beginner Fixes) to Module 8.
Added Are You Plucking the Wrong Way? (Bass Technique Showdown) to Module 2.
Awesome job @eric.kiser, thanks for your work
@eric.kiser I have always wondered, how did you get this job?
Or did you just volunteer to do this?
@eric.kiser is a real supporter of these Forums and he volunteered to do this a long time ago, John @John_E . . .
I still say he would make a excellent moderator!
Do we even have moderators?
If we do who are they?
@JoshFossgreen is taking care of any moderation issues, @Celticstar
I thoght so. Than you for confirming
Yep, it’s me, I’m the only big bad moderator around. It’s a testament to how freaking awesome everyone here is that I only deal with issues very very occasionally on a forum of hundreds of people. Thank you all!
And thanks again @eric.kiser for keeping this organized!
EDIT: Granted Eric a custom badge for his work here, long overdue
In the big sax forum out there, the moderators are oft times worse than the members, which is why its dying a slow death. Same for the big trumpet forum (which is now gone sadly, so much info lost).
This forum is truly a gem.
Yeah, moderators can either be a blessing or a curse. We’re better off just letting @JoshFossgreen handle it. The rest of us can just remain on “neighborhood watch”.
Neighborhood watch? I’m gonna be in trouble lurking behind website shrubbery ogling everyone’s gear.
That’s perfectly acceptable
Wait… WHAAAT?! Thanks Josh!
My thanks to everyone for their kind words.
@John_E Joe is right, it’s not a job. I just wanted to do something to help since so many people here have helped me so much.
Thanks for organizing this @eric.kiser
Added to the Player Profile Series listed after the course related videos.
Oh hells yes! Thanks for curating this, man! Super valuable.