BB Livestream - What Bass Pedals Should You Actually Buy?

Ha ha no, but if the guy is calling for PBass he’s gotta be alright! :laughing:


Thanks @John_E , Youtube has been taking forever to process the replay for god knows why, I still can’t get in to trim n cut the glitches and stuff.

@kristine maybe we need a whole Christmas sweaters thread?

I guess I’ll be slapping the P bass next time to avoid more yelling lol!

Thanks @howard for the bass breaks suggestion, I totally meant to do more. One of the many tech challenges I had this time is the levels in my in-ear monitors were way too low, so it was hard not to overpluck, and I couldn’t hear myself enough to enjoy it… oops lol. Next time I’ll get properly setup for happy noodling!

Yeah, I used to run a board where the Flashback was set to do a reverse delay thing for a particular song or two, and I don’t like bending down and twiddling stuff during shows if I don’t have to, so I ran the Ditto on the board elsewhere.

Also those aren’t even the only loopers I own lol, also have a Ditto x4, the looper on the H9, and god knows what else. :stuck_out_tongue:




That makes sense - make it as easy as possible with less room for f’ing something up.

My question about not wanting to collect gear was mostly me goofing, but every joke has a kernel of truth. Your response was perfect, because right now I would rather play than spend my time learning the in’s and out’s of a pedal that does seven different things.

So maybe I’ll stick with simpler pedals that mainly do one thing really well.


I think you are onto something here


Thanks, @JoshFossgreen to give me the pedal fever for this Christmas. I still waiting for the compressor that GC has in



There are so many questions about gear, I went ahead and added a note about this video to the BassBuzz YouTube Video Guide.

BassBuzz Live Streams with Josh Fossgreen

Nothing big but I’m sure someone is going to ask where that pedal reccomendation video went. Mostly it’s just a reminder for anyone looking for it.