Please use the search function. There are multiple threads on what to do next and what people think of each of them.
At BBC for first time. Impressed and inspired on the first night. Got to meet Ryan too and learn about her channel.
In addition to this, I learned a lot from Ariane Cap’s book: Music Theory for the Bass Player. You can get it on Amazon as well as other places I’m sure.
I’d agree with this, as the course doesn’t do more with 16th notes than an introduction, and I believe doesn’t include the extremely important dotted-8th 16th rhythm. It’ll be difficult playing many funk songs and other songs without a solid understanding of 16th notes.
Not dissing the course at all–it’s fantastic for beginners, but I would agree it doesn’t quite get you to the intermediate level. I do think, though, that it gets you to a high enough level of beginner that you can get yourself to intermediate level on your own without too much trouble.
I myself am an intermediate player (according to Josh’s checklist), but I’m taking the course to go back to fundamentals to break bad habits, and to fill any gaps as I’ve mostly learned bass on my own and from YouTube videos. It’s proving quite valuable to me for those things.
Josh has been thinking about an intermediate level course for quite a few years now, and I’m looking forward to him doing that if he does. I’d be all over it. However, I imagine an intermediate course will be longer, cost more, and will be a lot more work to put together than a beginner course. So it taking some time to do (especially since he’s a gigging musician and teacher) is completely understandable.