Beyond Badass!

@John_E , what strings did you put on it?

I didn’t set mine up, since it played well in the store and when I got it home. I’ll check it more closely when I am able.

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La Bella Flats.

I have rounds on my other two PJs so this made a good candidate for flats. I’ll be doing song #11 on the 50s100 challenge, ColdPlay Yellow. Sounds nice on it. Just need to video it.

The guy who owned it prior put black Hipshot tuners and a drop D (thank you previous owner) and a bridge that was not quite right (it sits in a pocket and it’s a wee too small and some unfinished wood is exposed) so I’m waiting for that to arrive.

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I love that song. I didn’t realize it was part of the contest. I guess I’ll scratch it off my list of songs to cover.
I’m sure you’ll do it justice @John_E :smile_cat:

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Love the Le Bellas!

I’m leaving rounds on my Aerodyne since I’ve got flats on everything else (except for the Traveler Acoustic).

I know it’s not a race but I’m growing further and further behind on the 50/100.

Plan to record Hound Dog on it. I was practicing it on my J and my Mustang and leaning toward the Mustang. Don’t know why but I’m having trouble the speed and keep missing notes so I’m nowhere near ready to record it yet.

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Hound Dog for some reason is trickier than it seems.

I was annoyed at being behind and am now about to record Yellow (#11), 9 and 10 are done. That said, 9 is Motown which I love and 10 is VERY easy. Yellow is super easy too but keeping those 8th notes chugging on beat is harder than you think. Set up the DAW to record today and listened to the solo of me and eeesh, the mix sure does cover up a lot!


Do it for the challenge @PamPurrs. It’s a very easy tune and I am sure your own spin on it will be very good indeed.


I just signed up for (ebassguitar) James Eager’s Basslab. Not a bad deal for $149.00 a year. Site is a little tough to navigate but I should get the hang of it. SBL is light years ahead of most in how it is organized. I’ll report back as I progress.



Hopefully his teaching can help me get beyond his eyebrows


I’ve looked at a few of James’ courses, I think he is pretty good


I have finished a Module. I have to say the dude knows his stuff and can play like a monster. He breaks things down to a very easy to understand format. I actually like his rough hewn teaching style better than SBL’s super polished presentations. His style is more of a rough and tumble “Josh Fossgreen” style. Very down to earth. I quite like his lessons.


Ya he’s a good guy. I watched a lot of his free riff lessons early on

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Did another module on connecting notes and chords. His approach is so simple even I was doing it. I have to admit, even after B2B I am still not worth a shit. But I think James is the guy to get the concepts in my head.


You might like Bass Freedom also

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Hi all,
I started taking lessons with Ryan Madora as a follow up to B2B. These are Skype lessons and I have learned a lot. Totally recommend her.

I have also signed up for Gerald Veasley’s Bass Boot Camp in August. This is an in-person weekend in Philly. Have any of you heard of it or attended? Anyone want to join me at the boot camp?


I quite like Ryan Madora’s style in her videos on NoTreble.

I thought someone talked about these just a little while ago, but I might be wrong… Could have been @jerichodog2k… or not… :crazy_face:


Jamplay doesn’t seemed to have been mentioned much on here except to be quickly dismissed. I agree 100% B2B is a much better place to start by a mile, but as an after bassbuzz thing I have found it valuable. Can’t remember $ to join, but I joined when they had some sale and cost was reasonable. There is a lot of stuff to wade through in there so I have just scratched the surface over the last month or so, but here is a couple of things I found:

I want to improve my groove/‘pocket playing’ so I tried:
30 Rock Bass Grooves for Beginners You Must Know

The lessons are similar to the last lesson of most B2B modules where you learn a recognisable song riff.
Andrew Ford is the tutor; he has a nice laid back delivery style and throws in good tips each lesson.
Each lesson Andrew plays riff (normal speed), then breaks down the riff note by note, and then a slow speed play through. You can then refer to a pdf, and play to/download an mp3 instrumental loop (full speed with no bass).
They vary in complexity and can be 2,4, or 8 bars long, with a mix of 8th, 16ths, triplets, walkups, chugging etc.
They are ‘in the style of’ rather than exact riffs from songs. This could be annoying if you wanted to go on to learn the actual songs, but as riffs I find them close enough to be fun (grooves also have punny ‘in the style of’ names, could be a plus or minus depending on sense of humor)
Its good having a growing set of new riffs I can play on loop working on ‘groove’ stuff (that I would normally not have concentration space for).

I recently posted me practicing a couple of these grooves which gives an idea

I also have done the Beginner Bass With Billy Sheehan course.
It is in no way a comprehensive course like B2B (there is maybe an hour of video in total), it is really barely a primer.
But if you treated it like ‘an hour with Billy Sheehan’ for beginners and watched all of it at once it would probably work pretty well, as he has some really good ‘words of wisdom’ sprinkled through out.
I also liked one of the practice riffs he showed and pretty much use it every warmup (pdf was available with course of this).
[side note: in this course Billy has his bass tuned down half a step (but talks notes on the fretboard as if its not) which seemed to really piss off people who play along as they watch, further reason to make this mostly a watching course IMO]

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I’m nearing the end of B2B and I’m already looking into my next step. I’ve been familiar with Mark at TalkBass for a while (was watching his YouTube channel even when I wasn’t playing) and I think I’d be most interested in starting there.

Does anyone who has experience with his videos have a suggestion on where to begin? I’d like to take advantage of his sale going on right now and maybe grab one or two of his courses. Having read through this thread, it seems like @PamPurrs might have some thoughts on the best place to start.


Chord tones is the best starting point at Talking Bass.


Thank you for the speedy response!

Edit: I just paid for the course. Mark does a great job on the sales pitch video, lol. Do we have a TalkBass thread on the forum here for people to share their experiences? If not, that sounds useful …

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