Boss Katana Go - Discontinued Sales

While not British, my wife is Canadian so as far as candy, she grew up with Cadbury and Mars and whatnot. Every year for her Christmas stocking I fill it full of Aero bars, Smarties, Big Turks, wine gums, and a few others that I’m not recalling off the top of my head.

You are a definite keeper :slight_smile:

My Mum brings me stashes of Galaxy, jelly babies, and Green and Blacks ginger, when she visits. It’s my happy time.


Look… it’s like Taco Bell. Taco Bell is not mexican food, but it is good for whatever it actually is. It just needs to be appreciated on its own and not compared, because down that path lies sadness.

Twinkies and the various Hostess things are not really great examples of what they are supposed to be, but as kids treats… there’s a reason they are still selling after 50+ years.

Not claiming to be a huge fan, but I can see (and remember) why kids love them.

Hahaha, I’m even less polite about Taco Bell, Hubby dragged me there once and after I ordered something claiming to be a quesadilla I have refused to be baited into going back to the place since. :rofl:

This is not an uncommon topic of conversation around home since my son and my spouse both love the frankensnacks and like to give me a hard time about my snobbishness, usually after I’ve given them a hard time about making me be seen putting the stuff in the shopping trolley. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

As a former poor student with an affinity for Pot Noodles and English Donner Kebabs. (technically Polish I guess since that’s who runs the stores in the UK) I do have an understanding for the of the cheap and nasty foods that many of us grow up on :wink:


The entire nation of Turkey is eyerolling right now :rofl:

(Doner and Iskender are towns in Turkey, where Kebab came from)

and yes one of my top tier faves

Dammit, I knew I should have googled that to double check. Names and places are not my strong suit.

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I recently went on a kebab quest here and they are (a) everywhere and (b) run by actual Turkish expats. They are fantastic. If you ever visit I have you covered :rofl:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ahh no one does it better than the crew of the Red Dwarf.

and, yeah that about sums up the general feeling for pot noodles :slight_smile:

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You know what’s funny, Japanese people eat Cup Ramen (basically sold in the US as “Cup ‘O Noodles”) all the time. Super popular. Even with real ramen being like $5.

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I would love to visit Japan one day, its on the bucket list for sure.


Lol perfect timing, our work cafe is serving essentially Iskender today.

Synonymous with “Britishness” :sweat_smile:




Hahahahaha, you aren’t wrong :sunglasses: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I only remember one word about that face, :rofl:
C U next Tuesday


An 'orrible one, at that. What a great movie!


Was traveling for work and the Katana I ordered was waiting for me when I got home. Halfway considered flipping it, but thought I’d better at least try it first. I can see what all the fuss is about. Sounds great in this configuration. No matter what I try, I get a static hiss with my wireless IEM and instrument cable setup. With the Katana, it’s just pure clean sound. And I can stream lessons or playalongs from the PC. Love it. I do hope they come out with a revision B, because these things are pretty darn good.


How are you streaming from PC? I thought it could only do that from a mobile app. There’s no way my eyeballs can read songster tabs from my iPhone.

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There are two bluetooth connections, one for midi and another for audio. The iOS/Android app connects to the midi connection. You can connect whatever you want to the audio bluetooth connection. So I just paired it to my PC and used it as the output. Let me know how that works out for you, I couldn’t imagine trying to do it on a phone!