Boss ODB-3 Bass Overdrive mod


very interested to mod my ODB-3 to reduce noise, how is this best done?
w w w watched this and love the mod, an ideas how to replicate this? Is art as simple as changing the LEDs to an orange colour??!!


it’s hardly possible on such a pedal, without changing its tone. it’s all about component choice and placement, so on a PCB-mounted pedal with a proper shielding, the short answer is that you could consider choosing another pedal than the ODB-3.

I watched the video. obviously if you want to replicate a mod, you need to know what is the mod exactly, which means find the schematic and/or instructions about how to do the mod, like I did on the first post of this thread.

In this case it would have been pretty easy to find those informations : in the comments of the video, you can read that it’s the Wampler Mod, which happen to be exactly the schematic that I describe in the first post of this thread.

Here is an extract of the Brian Wampler’s book, if you want to compare :

it is true that the color of the LEDs change the sound. that’s because each color is physically made in a different way, and has slightly different electrical behavior. but obviously the mod is not ONLY about the LEDs. the LEDs are just a (very minor) part of the mod. In the Wampler Mod, the diode change is optional. I tested various LEDs and I personnally prefer the stock red ones, but that’s a matter of taste and use.


Thank you for your reply!!!

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…well this has piqued my interest. As has the possibility of making a small board with several switch-selectable options for sounds. :thinking:

Also, I find it hilarious a pedal for dirtying a sound is named ODB

Ol’ Dirty Bassdrive :rofl:

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And now YouTube just served this video up o.O

A video about a eurorack distortion module that comes with diodes and resistors to swap out for different sounds o.O

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sorry im not very familiar with the lingo, what do you mean by “the pots are not very progresssive”?

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the pots are acting kinda “on/off” with a single sweet spot, I don’t feel the pots travel is very gradual.